Tenzo My Instructor?

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I walk up the stairs, entering into the Hokage's office. I seen Gai come out a room walking towards me. I smile waving at him. "Might Gai!!" I run up to him. He comes to a stop as I stop in front of him. "Yes....?" He raises an eyebrow at me. "Do you know where the Hokages office is?" I asked, ignoring his facial expression.

"Of course! It's right here!" He points to the exact door he came out of. "Oh.. Yeah! I knew that! Just wanted to see if you'd tell me..." I trailed off. That was such a lie. I knock on the door, waiting for an answer. "Come in" The hokage's old rapsy voice greeted. I open the door shutting it behind me, walking to the center of the room, bowing.

"I see you're much better.. I have your equipment in safe keeping" the hokage says. I sigh in relief. I thought that stuff was stolen! "Thank you so much.. So when will I start?" I ask. "If it isn't to soon. I'd like to have you start today. Tenzo here will help you and train to see where you are. If you don't mind, i'd like you to do other mission for me. But it doesn't involve with what we talked about in the hospital" the Hokage says, making sure he didn't say anything about what we were discussing in the hospital.

"Yes sir" I nod. "By the way. You may call me Hokage sama or Lord Third. You are a citizen of this village now" Hokage sama stated. I smile warmly, nodding. "Yes, Hokage sama" I say. He then puts my things on his desk, along with an Konoha headband. "You wont be needed that other headband" Hokage sama deadpanned. I nodded, taking my things.

"Also. Here's your key to your apartment. You'll be staying next door to Naruto" He says. I nod. "Does he know that?" I asked. Hokage sama shakes his head, smiling. I smile also grabbing the keys. "Thank you, for everything Hokage sama" I say, he nods.

I then leave out the building with Tenzo escorting me. "if you do anything suspicious that will hurt the village. I'll kill you" Tenzo deadpanned. I frown looking at him. I come to a stop, as did he. I walk up to him so that our faces were only a few inches away.

"Treat me wrong. I'll kill you" I deadpanned, glaring at him. Tenzo, stares at me before smirking. "this is where you'll be staying. Naruto stays across from you. Get dress. We'll be starting training soon" Tenzo says, before stepping aside, standing by the wall. I nod, unlocking the door, walking in. The place was nice and small.. But cozy.

I had furniture already placed in here. I walk to the fridge opening it. As for food.. I need to buy some.. I change out of these white clothes into my now wash and dried outfit the hokage must've did for me. I grab my pouch and weapon pouch, hooking it on into my pants.

I then go out the apartment, locking the door. "Ready?" Tenzo asked. I nod. We then walk until we get to this.. Changing room I guess. I was empty, had lockers, benches, and clothing sitting at the end of the bench. Tenzo walks over to the pair of clothes handing them to me.

I take them from him. It looks just like his outfit. It also had a katana on top of them. "This is your anbu clothing. Get dressed" Tenzo commands. "Eh? In here?" i asked. Tenzo crosses his arms, nodding. "Is there not somewhere else i can change?" I asked. He shook his head no. I anime sweat drop. "Liar.." I murmured, walking over to the other side of the lockers. "Peek and you're dead Tenzo!" I yell. I heard him scoff. "I wouldn't disrespect a woman's privacy" He stated. "Good!" I replied back, changing into the outfit.

I did a quick check. Clay pouch on me?.. Check. Weapon pouch? Check. Katana? Check.. That's it.. Oka i'm done!! I come from around the lockers grinning. "Where's your headband?" asked Tenzo. I  felt my forehead. "Oh! I left it home! I'll go get-" He cut me off. "It's okay. You wont need it as an anbu" Tenzo says. I nod. "On the other hand. Here" Tenzo hand me a mask. It has red whiskers and black nose. The designs around the eyes were also red. It had like.. A wind pattern.. It was pretty. It had light glitter.. Good enough.

I put on the mask. "Nice" I say. Tenzo nodded. "Follow me" He leads the way out the door to an training ground. It's an large area with no grass but dirt and little trees in the area. "Show me what your abilities" Tenzo says.

I place a hand on my right hip, leaning on my right leg, shifting most of my weight on that side. "Tenzo. If I may assume. You know i'm not from this village due to the threat you gave me earlier. What do you know about me?" I asked. "I know you're an S-rank criminal" Tenzo states.

"Then you should know my abilities. Right?" I asked. Tenzo says nothing but get into stance. "If you're not coming, then I will" tenzo deadpanned, sticking his palm out towards me. Wood shot out from his hand at me. "N-NANI?!" 


Dun dun dun da dun! Dun da dun! :3

>|< Hey dere'

>|< How are ya'?

>|< Good.. That's good..

>|< Who exactly.. Am I talking to?.. XD

>|< Not Edited..

>|< Scanned.

>|< Let The Game. Begin >:D

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