More about each other 1/2| 10

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Author POV:

"Did I make a mistake?" Y/n thought to herself.

She was thinking about her decision. Did she make the right move? Should she have refuse the offer?

"Just fuck"

She continue to ruffle her hair as she rolled around her bed still getting bugged about her decision.

While she was still rolling on her bed. Her phone rang.

"Who the fu-?" Y/n said. As she looked at the contact.

It was Jimin. They all gave their numbers before they left so they could contact y/n later.

With a string of curses, y/n answered the call.

"Hey....Jimin?" Y/n said.

She answered him uneasily. She wasn't good with talking and didn't have any experience in making friends. She always just talk shit once she talks with anyone so this was new.

"Hey.. It's me......" Jimin answered.

He answered slightly nervous. The others wanted to know more about y/n and since jimin was the first one to meet her at school so they assigned him to do it.

"Yeah I noticed that......" Y/n said still awkward.

She was having a panic attack while answering the call. She would probably lose her hair after this conversation, since she keep pulling on it while talking.

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"I called you, so that........I could know..... you?" Jimin answered fidgeting with his finger.

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He too was nervous. He felt like he was confessing to someone. But since he had to do this so that they can trust y/n more he has to grow some balls and do it without any hesitation.

"What?" Y/n asked confuse.

Confusion was written all over y/n's face when she heard Jimin's response. She was wondering why would he like to get to know her. Because she thinks they already knew enough. Like her real identity.

"I-I just......well....they like wanted to get more information on you are part of the group now." Jimin said.

Jimin crossed his fingers hoping you would agree. Namjoon would give him an earful if he didn't convince you.

"I-I guess that makes sense...." Y/n said sighing.

She was hesitant on agreeing. But she thought that if she has already agreed on joining their team, why not go all out and know more about them too.

"So.....can you come??" Jimin asked.

If Jimin could flip the bed, He would. He's really stress right now. He didn't know why he was nervous. He's just asking you for information and nothing more.

"I think.........yeah I can...." Y/n said with second thoughts.

She wasn't good with people and meeting with Jimin might damage their relationship. She didn't want to hurt his feelings by being straight forward.

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