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My oh- so lovely brother, greeted me with smile.

"You're finally back!"

Sneaking a glare at him, Y/n stopped herself from avoiding the hug and hesitantly hugged back. "Yeah, where's............father?" Y/n felt like killing herself for saying that, but it lines up with her plan, so swallowing her pride, she smiled at him.

Minho looked shocked at her sister. Her sister just smiled at him! Minho felt like he finally accomplished something in his miserable life.

He gave her a genuine smile."O-oh? father! Yeah! father's upstairs! L-let me bring you to him" He motioned Y/n to follow him upstairs.

Y/n nodded, quickly following him, but still keeping a safe distance.

Minho frowned when he noticed this, but he just sighed and decided to just ignore it. He couldn't force you to like him. After all he's done to you in the past, loving him..hell- even accepting him will be hard. He just wished he could turn back time and change what he did to his sister.

"H-hey? Why'd you stop walking?"

Minho gave her a smile, trying to dismiss his thoughts. "It's nothing"


"Jihye?" Her husband called her, stopping whatever he was doing with a stressed sigh.


"I-I visited Raymond...."

Jihye, his wife looked at him like he was crazy. "Are you crazy! I thought you wanted to change!"

Junho looked at her with an apologetic face. "I-I know, but I just thought that maybe I could convince him to change too."

She sighed. "I'm guessing it didn't work?"

He nodded."Yeah...."

"Let's just forget about hi-"



 "Father!!!!!!!!!!" Minho shouted, knocking on the door.

Y/n looked at him weirdly. When she was a kid, doing this would probably result to an hour of beating from her father.

The door opened, snapping Y/n out of her thoughts. She sucked up her breath when she saw who opened it.

"Oh- Minho-" He stopped for a bit when he saw his daughter standing beside his son. "Y-y/n?"

Y/n didn't answer him and instead walked inside the room, ignoring her father's presence.

"Oh- okay...W-we can talk inside if that's what you want" Junho gave his son a sad smile as they both followed her inside.


LOCATION: Junho's office

(Y/n's dad)

TIME: 9:30 AM



Author pov:

They're being weird.

Everyone's being so suspiciously nice. What happened to them? 

"Do you need anything? Tea? Coffee? Just kidding! I know you prefer milk!" She smiled at Y/n, which causes her to snap.

Fuck it. I'll just threaten them if they don't answer me.

Irritated, Y/n finally dropped her act. "Cut it out. What are you planning?"

Jihye looked at her daughter confused. Y/n was finally acting normal to her. Yeah, she noticed a few glare from her, but she was smiling at her. "What do you mean?"

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