No rules | 21

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Lee enterprise


1:00 pm




"Hoseok....remember to stop me if I wanted to punch this guy......" Y/n clenched her fist, trying to stop herself from punching the guy who was winking at her nonstop.

Like what the fuck dude?? Do you have a problem with your eyes?? Who winks that much?? You also look like you're a 100 fucking years old!! I'm 17!!! I'm not even legal!!!!

"Yeah, sure-" Hoseok got cut off by Y/n walking towards the guy, with a pocket knife in her hand.

"Actually.......I changed my mind-" Hoseok quickly grabbed y/n's arm, stopping her from attacking the guy.

"Calm down Y/n......innocent act, right" Hoseok tried calming Y/n down, remembering her about the whole act she's doing for disguise. Y/n nodded, muttering "Right..." as she breathed heavily to calm herself.

Hoseok pulled Y/n closer to him, seeing the guy lick his lips while looking at her.......really pissed him off.

"Get ready kids......i'll try to get in the same team as you both. I can't bear seeing you two get look like my siblings." The guy in front of them(the guy they were talking to earlier) chuckles, patting Hoseok's head.

Hoseok nodded, silently thanking the guy.

"Did you already get your numbers?" Heechul asked, seeing the gate was almost opening.

Hoseok nodded showing the card to him.

"I got 101, she got 102"

Heechul smiled, seeing his number was right next to them. (100)Meaning he can sit with them to hopefully protect them from the others.

"By the way....what's your name?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm Hee-chul,Kim Hee-chul...... " The guy smiled, introducing himself.

"I'm hose-" Hoseok got interrupted by the door opening. Everyone hurriedly went inside, wanting to get the front seat.

"Introduce yourself later, follow me" Heechul said dragging the two of us in.


"what the fuck is happening....." Hoseok muttered, seeing the guy bashing the guy's face with a chair....a goddamn chair!!

We could hear a whistle from the "judge" as they called for someone to stop the fight. Two guards came in and stopped the fight.

"I thought they weren't suppose to kill each other???" Y/n whispered to Hoseok, confused on what's happening. "I don't really know........" Hoseok whispered back, also having no clue on what is happening.

"More blood...More money..." Heechul simply explained.

"That's...kinda fucked up..." Hoseok muttered, cringing at all the blood he was seeing at the "stage". Y/n nodded, agreeing with him.

The host picks up the mic again and announces the next "activity". The audience and fighters cheered in excitement seeing the weapons being put out.

"We're going to do something new today!!!! we'll have two people partner up with each other. Like 2v2 fight!. We'll pick two people from the list. Their going to fight our top 2 fighters! The twist don't have any weapons but they have!. There are no rules here. The judges we'll decides who wins. So.....let's start!"

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