safe......for now.| 30

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TIME: 10:00 AM


Y/n groaned when she hit the ground, she didn't expect for it to be that high. "Why did I do that?" Y/n whined, holding her throbbing leg.


She heard someone shout from up the floor. "SHUT THE FUCK UP TAEHYUNG!" She answered, not in the best mood after the fall.

"S-SORRY! ARE YOU GOOD!" Taehyung shouted, his little head popping on the small hole as he tried looking for Y/n.

"I'LL LOOK AROUND HERE, I'LL TELL YOU IF I FIND ANYTHING INTERESTING" Y/n shouted as she began walking around.

"BE CAREFUL!" She heard Yoongi shout.

She began coughing by how smelly the place was. "Is this a fucking dumpster-"She cursed when she tripped on something. "What the-" She tripped again.

Having enough, y/n crouch down to pick whatever she was tripping on. "FU-" Y/n stopped herself from screaming and just threw whatever she was holding.

"Was that a fucking hand?!?" Y/n said, walking towards the thing she threw. "Oh shit- is it real?" Y/n felt herself shiver when she saw some blood dripping on it.

Y/n decided to ignore it and just continued to find an exit.

Fortunately for her, she found one. She was right, this was a dumpster. Meaning they were at the very bottom of the building. 

Looking outside, she looked for guards. Weirdly, they were none. The outside was completely normal, she could even see some people walking their dogs, some kids with their parents and some teenagers just walking around. She examined it again before deciding it's safe.

"HEY GUYS!" Y/n shouted, walking back to where the hole was.




"You go first-" Jungkook said, slightly pushing Taehyung in the pit.

"No- you" Taehyung switched their places, now pushing Jungkook off.

Jin snickered at the two. "Shut up, both of you. Just go together."

"I'll go first, ya'll are pussies" Jimin scoffed, pushing through the two so he can get a better look of the pit.

"Oh- on second thought-" Jimin gulped, seeing how deep it was.

"Come on guys! Who's going to go first!" Namjoon gulped seeing deep the pit was. "So- you know...someone would at least catch us when we fall" 

"How about we just- go together? I'll fit the seven of us. It's big enough..." Hoseok suggested.

"I don't think that's going to work....we'll just pile up if we fall" Yoongi said.

"Then how?" 

"I don't know" Namjoon shrugged.


"GUYS!! COME ON! WHAT'S TAKING YOU GUYS SO LONG!!" Y/n shouted, tired of waiting.

"Y-yeah! just a s-sec!"  Namjoon answered, quite unsure.

Y/n scoffed. "Are they scared?"




"ANY MINUTE NOW, GUYS!" Y/n shouted.

"Y-yeah-" Namjoon answered, still not getting down.

"They're a fucking gang! How are they scared of this?!?" Y/n scoffed. "I need to get them down or ......we'll get caught by how much fucking noise we're making..." 






"Wait- I have an idea" Y/n smirked.

"Guys!!- wait- guys?- AAHH! " Y/n faked screamed, using her shoes to fake a gunshot. (by slapping it on the ground)

"NO-Y/N!!!!" The guys shouted unison.


"Fuck it you guys-" Yoongi cursed, jumping into the pit.

The others just closed their eyes and followed after Yoongi, sucking up their breaths and hoping not to die.


They all groaned when they hit the ground, but they quickly stand up, changing into defense position as they tried their best to see through the pitch black room.

"FUCKING FIGHT ME!" Jungkook shouted, glaring at nothing in particular.

They almost attacked when someone popped up.

"Wait- Y/n?" Namjoon said, confused.

"There. You're all here. Now.....let's go!" Y/n smiled seeing their confused faces.

Bts nodded hesitantly, following y/n.

They were kind of angry that Y/n lied to them, but hey! it worked. So they really can't complain.

Y/n let out a little "oh" remembering something. "by the way....there's.........dead bodies here..." Y/n smirked. " careful....."

Jimin felt himself shiver by how Y/n said it. "Shit y/n. Don't say it like that...It makes it sound like you're the one who killed them"

"Let's just go- I don't want to stay with dead people" Jin said, pushing Jungkook who was in front of him.

Jungkook glared at Jin, purposely walking slow just to annoy him.

Jin noticed and started scolding Jungkook, eventually leading to him scolding the other members too. They all started bickering, saying "how the fuck did we get involved in here, I literally didn't do shit and i'm getting scolded"

Taehyung just backed up, not wanting to get involved.

"Wait- guys" Taehyung called, but they ignored him.

"GUYS!" This time, Taehyung shouted.

"What?" Namjoon asked.

"Where's Y/n?"

Namjoon scrunched up his eyebrows, confused. "What do you mean? She's her- oh...OH!."

They all started panicking realing you were gone.

"Shut up guys." They all looked up and saw y/n through the garage window.

"I'm already out, it's safe.....for now." Y/n glared and the others nodded, gulping by how serious Y/n was. "So fucking make it quick or i'll leave you"






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