Remember | 41

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"What the fuck does that mean!!!" Jimin shouted, shaking the dead guy's body.


The doorbell rang, interrupting the others from panicking.

Namjoon quickly pulled Jimin off the dead body, pushing him out the door. "Go greet the guest Jimin"

Jimin huffed, grabbing Taehyung with him on his way out. Sending Namjoon a slight glare as he closed the door.


Jimin plopped down the sofa, huffing as he began muttering curse words under his breath.

Taehyung looked at his friends for a moment, before realising he's just going to sulk there. Sighing, Taehyung decided to open the door.

Opening the door, he was met with three people , with one he could recognize and two other people he considered as strangers. 

"H-hey, is Namjoon there?" Jackson uneasily asked Taehyung.

Taehyung nodded, opening the door. "He's in the other room, but I could call him"

Jackson muttered a thank you to Taehyung, taking a seat with his two other friends on the sofa.

"So....why are you guys here?" Jimin asked him.

"I-I think we should wait for Namjoon" Jackson muttered, shifting uneasily on his seat.

Jimin furrowed his brow, giving him a weird look. "What's he so nervous for?"

After a few minutes, Namjoon and the others went out the room.

Namjoon greeted Jackson, taking a seat beside Jimin.

" can I help you?" Namjoon smiled.

Jackson gave him a forced smile. "I-I'm with Mark's friends.....they wanted to help us"

"Mark? Mark like Y/n's cousin?"  Hoseok asked, confused.

Jackson nodded, motioning for his friends to introduce themselves.

"I'm Jaebum"



(You can skip this if you know....if you don't care about the plot. No seriously you can skip it...i'll just put a sign if the story is continuing)

(The files Y/n found)

[김석진]- Kim Seok-jin

Kim Seokjin is one of the sources of the gang's income. He owns three of the most successful bars in Seoul. He was known to be the "kindest" out of the seven members. Our researches contradicts that information. There were reports of him "killing" people who stands in the way of his business or simply because you look at him funny.

Even though he is well trained in the fighting ground, he isn't one to do the dirty work and chooses to leave that stuff to the other members. If he does choose to kill, he chooses the fast route unlike his other members who chooses to torture them.

[슈가] - Min Yoon-gi

Min Yoongi is the second source of income of the gang. He is very skilled in hacking. Before he joined BTS he has went to prison an uncountable amount of times. He hacked everything from the military, politics or news just for a good laugh. No one hated him..........because they're all dead. Not by him, they died because of suicide.

He rarely goes out and prefers to stay in. The only time he goes out is when the gang goes out for a fight. He has the most connection out of the seven members, mostly because of the blackmail he has. People even said that he knows things about them that even they don't know. He isn't really a big fan of killing, he said that dying is easy, living isn't. So he chooses to make his victims/targets suffer rather than kill them like what the others do.

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