Here? | 38

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Y/n chuckled, placing her hands on the sides of her forehead as she tried processing what is happening. "What—" Y/n chuckled again, now whispering things to herself.

"Y-Y/n are you okay?" Jihye tried approaching her daughter, but got harshly pushed back.

"g-get away from me!" Y/n shouted, backing up to a corner, trying to protect herself, but failed when her eyes began closing on her.

She gasped seeing Y/n's eyes closing. Approaching her daughter, she picked her up from the ground. Humming a sweet melody, she smiled at her daughter. "don't worry honey, we're together now.......we'll never let you go......ever."


Y/n gasped, waking up in cold sweat. "Where the fuck am I?" Y/n cursed, looking around the room. Searching for the door, she groaned when she saw how many locks were in it.

Y/n groaned when she saw she was locked up again. "What the fuck is wrong with these people!!" Y/n whined, standing up from the bed to look around the room. "Always fucking locking me up" Y/n muttered, glaring at nothing in particular.

Stretching, she messed with the stuff around the room. Smiling when she found a knife, she walked towards the door. 

Taking a peek through the window of the door, she chuckled. It was the three girls again. The three girls who thinks bts is a band. "Did they moved them too?" She tried calling them, but unfortunately for her, they didn't noticed.

They were busy talking to each other. Though Kyla didn't seem that interested, she still replied to the two.

"Are they fucking deaf?" Y/n muttered, knocking on the window.

Y/n groaned, seeing it has no effect.Losing patience, Y/n knocked more violently. She was surprised that the window didn't break.

Finally giving up, Y/n stopped knocking, but stopped when she saw that they were grabbing weapons. "a gun? oh, t-that's normal. Where did she get it— a knife?. That's normal too... Now where did they get it— a sword?"

Y/n's eyes widen even more when she saw that Icey brought out a bow and arrow. It's not that it's that weird. She uses it too. She was just wondering where did they get it. They were in a cage. A different one from before. The size wasn't different, it was just as small. It was just more protected. So how did they get those weapons?

"are you guys ready?"

Wait, is that Minho? The fuck is he doing here?

Y/n was even more surprised when she saw that Icey and Nakisha smiled back. 

"Yep, Kyla isn't though." Nakisha answered, scoffing at her friend.

Kyla glared. "I hate you guys. You know my parents would kill me if they found out where I am"

Icey snickered. "Yeah, right. You know I sneaked out right?" She sighed. "You know how my parents are right?..........I can't even go to the mall alone and I'm 18!! I'm old enough to that shit!!"

"Then why did you go?" Y/n replied, slightly glaring at her.

"Because i'm not a pussy....."

"Fuck off"

Nakisha sighed, breaking off the two. "Alright. Alright... Let's just forget this."

"f-fine.....I just don't want us to get stuck here...." Kyla huffed, muttering a sorry to her friend.

Icey smiled, patting her friend on the back. "Don't worry we won't"

Nakisha smiled agreeing with her. "Yeah!, we've done this a ton of times and we went back just fine!"

"Okay.....I-I trust you guys...." Y/n smiled, standing up to follow the two.

"Okay! Are you guys ready?" Minho smiled, opening the locks to their door.

"Yep, We're ready"


"Are they running a fight club here— Where even am I!!!! "


"Hoseok?" Yoongi called, still keeping his eyes at the screen of his computer.

Hoseok replied with a humm, looking through the documents beside Yoongi to help get his work faster.

"I didn't know Pres. Lee has another child..." Yoongi said, stopping at a file in his documents.

Hoseok raised his eyebrows, scooting over to Yoongi's seat to see it himself. "Really? I didn't know that..."

"It's a girl......and— oh....she's dead.." Yoongi frowned.

"What caused it?" Hoseok asked.

"A bullet it in the head"

"By whom?"







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