Hey Mr DJ🎧💿🎛🎚👨🏻‍🎤

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That night Shivani worked at The Scratching Post while Fillmore Graves celebrated "a win" she looks over at Chase as he gave his speech leaning up against the metal green railing by the door "this, my friends, is what it looks like when a plan com...

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That night Shivani worked at The Scratching Post while Fillmore Graves celebrated "a win" she looks over at Chase as he gave his speech leaning up against the metal green railing by the door "this, my friends, is what it looks like when a plan comes together I know what some of you cynics might be saying "a hundred cases of brain tubes? is that all we have to show for this operation, Commander?" well, you cynics would be forgetting about the traitors we've ferreted out you're forgetting about your zombie brothers and sisters who will sleep with fuller bellies but most of all, you don't know what's in these cases"  he picks up a box and pulls out a few rolls of cash with his fingers and shows them off the Fillmore Graves soldiers cheer as he continues "so tonight, and just tonight, we've got you covered eat what you want! drink what you want it's all on Cobra Kai wait that's not right what were they called? Major? where's Major? the man of the hour?"  he asks slapping the railing then looking around for "the man of the hour" and Major who was standing by the bar chatting with Shivani replies "The Blue Cobras"  Chase looks at him then at her and says "The Blue Cobras! that's it let's hear it for Lillywhite he gets the job done"  he tosses the rolls of cash back into the box and points at Major then gives him the thumbs up as he and Shivani playfully cheers with the rest of the Fillmore Graves soldiers and Major playfully pushes her shoulder in a "get outta here!" fashion making her chuckle softly "hey, DJ! Play something from the aughts for this old soldier"  Chase orders and the DJ starts playing his music "good job, man!"  one of the soldiers says patting Major on the shoulder "thank you"  Major replies turning to look at him as Chase walks over to him "so, what do you say we get a picture with your team in front of the spoils of war, huh? we'll hang it up in the lounge"  Chase says wrapping his arm around Major as he looks at Shivani who walks out from behind the bar and over to the DJ with a drink for him and chats with him for a bit as he works and the DJ lets her try out a few spins.... a few seconds later she looks over at the metal door as she hears it open "this can't be good!"  she whispers softly nodding at the DJ to take over once more as she walks through the crowd just in time to hear Chase holler at the DJ "SHUT THAT OFF!"  the DJ does as he was told as Chase holler at Major "I SAID WHOSE WEAPON WAS IT LILYWHITE?"  the female member of Major's squad answers in a low voice "mine sir"  Major looks Chase in the eyes and says calmly  "sir, I swear, I will find Roche and I will drag his ass right back to your office"  Chase responds "yes, you will"  Chase reaches and takes his gun out of it's holster and as he raises it to shoot the girl he finds Shivani standing before her protectively "what the hell?!"  he asks softly "don't you dare!.... I may not have been raised in a military family but I am pretty sure that this is NOT the way they discipline their soldiers! and you will most DEFINITELY NOT do it here Chase Anthony Graves! you are not in YOUR office you are in MINE! and you will follow MY rules or GET THE HELL OUT and NEVER return!!"  Shivani growls in a low soft demanding voice Chase raises an eyebrow at her but holsters his weapon "Chief.... these two are under your protection until they all decide to leave.... make sure that nothing happens to them!"  Shivani orders and Chief walks over and nods at her taking Major's squad with him to the bar "that man is not just my friend but he is family and if anything happens to him I will hold you DIRECTLY responsible!"  she tells Chase "consider me warned"  he replies with a corner smile but when he doesn't receive one in return his smile disappears.... 

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