Make Ups

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You fell asleep after sobbing into the pillow. Your mind and heart were heavy with the deeds of the day. Each moment you were awake your mind dwelled on the heartbreak you had caused him. If you could start the day over, you'd take that chance in a heartbeat, but it was too late. You had done it and you couldn't bring yourself to even look at his name.

You had slept for 4 hours, waking up to the sun setting. Your eyes were puffy and red, and you felt like shit. Looking to your phone, you had 58 missed calls and almost 100 texts from the man, asking what he had done wrong and how he could fix it. The idea that he still liked you made you feel even worse, knowing you just broke his heart. Even though you itched to call him back and tell him you loved him, you couldn't touch the phone. You avoided it like it was fire, even though you desperatelt wanted to get burned. Just to tell him you loved him, even after you had just left.

A knock on your hotel door snapped you out of your thoughts, and you just assumed someone had the wrong room. Ignoring it, you stared blankly at the wall, trying to will your mind to stop thinking. The knocking sounded again, and looking to the door you scrunched up your face in curiosity. Slipping from the mattress, you stepped towards the door, placing your fingers on the handle. Turning the knob, you opened the door, prepared to tell them they had the wrong room. Until you stopped dead in your tracks and stared up at John, who looked like shit. His face could have rivaled yours in puffiness, you would have laughed if you weren't so shocked. You both stared at each other, before you had propped the door open and basically slammed yourself into his chest. He stumbled backwards a bit, regaining his balance and wrapping his arms around your frame. You cried into his chest, repeating to him that you were sorry you broke up with him. John stroked your hair as he walked the two of you back into the room, shutting the door and tightening his grip on you. You looked up at him, his hands moving to cup your face as his lips mashed into yours. He muttered how much he loved you and how much he wanted you back as he kissed you, not letting you up to breathe until you had to force your head back.

Looking into his hazel eyes, you saw the worry and the hurt that laced them. "(Y/n), I love you so much. I know I haven't really been paying attention to your needs and wants, but I do. You make so happy, and being without you the last few hours made me realise I take you for granted. Come back to me, (Y/n), please." John begged. Your fingers graced his cheeks and you nodded, pulling him down to kiss him once again. You told yourself you wouldn't go back to him. Yet, you realised the only true happiness you had came from the man.

(A/N) Whoops I ever tell y'all that I suck at ending stories? Cause I do.

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