Under The Sea

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It was such a beautiful day in the Cove. Your father let you leave your home long enough to swim the the little hang out, hoping you'd catch a glimpse of one of your friends. Honestly, you just couldn't believe he had let you out of the house. You see, recently there had been rumors of another kind, a band of strange creatures lurking in the dark depths, and your father had kept a tight hold on you. No being out when the sun was setting, no open windows, no treasure hunting like you did. It was boring, staying holed up in your little room, looking at the glass of your window and wishing he'd stop being so freakish. So when he said to you that you needed to go do something, you were more than ecstatic when he granted you permission to the Cove.

Your tail flicked viciously behind you as you sped through the water, barely watching where you were going. Shouts of disdain from passerbys made you smile sheepishly, and you threw a quick sorry behind your back to everyone. Finally making it to the hang out, you were a little startled that no one was here. With eyebrows raised, you cautiously swam to the opening, peeking your head around the wall. A gasp escaped your mouth, and you quickly flicked behind the wall again. There were a group of merpeople there, but none like you had ever seen before. No, these were much more terrifying, some with shark tails, some with tentacles, like the octopi that played in your garden. Unlike those, these were terrifying, their tails red and sharp.

You wanted to look at them once more, but you knew you had to leave. Your heart hammered in your chest, feeling almost painful with the fear that tightened your throat. Going with your stomach, you slowly began to creep along the edge of the wall, moving further and further away from the opening where the fiends were housed. Just as you were about to turn and swim away, you were met with a broad chest, causing you to look up. One of the creatures with a shark tail stood before you, his arms crossed, a shit-eating grin on his face. Looking at his teeth, your breath hitched in your throat as you noticed how sharp they were. Floating back, you were surprised when he reached out, grabbing your wrist and pulling you close. Before you could scream, he hastily covered your mouth.

"Shut up, will ya? I snuck out to get you out of here." the shark tail whispered. You looked at him, eyes widening slightly. The creature paid no kind to you, simply looking to make sure that none of the others were coming. Getting a closer look at him, you studied his features in case something happened. His blonde locks moved with the gentle water, his hazel eyes scoping out the area. He had a few sunkisses on his face. You were getting lost in his features, when he looked at you suddenly. Snapping your gaze from him, your cheeks turned pink as he let you go. "Alright, get out of here. I don't know what they'd do to you if you stay." the stranger muttered quietly, pushing you softly.

Before you could get to far, a sudden rush of confidence swam through you (HAHA pun. now laugh), and you looked him in the eyes. "Hey, why are you helping me?" you squeaked. Your confidence apparently meant nothing, because you ended up sounding like a squeakerfish. The shark tail smirked, looking you up and down. "I couldn't let a pretty mermaid like you get hurt, now could I?" he chuckled deeply, and you felt your (f/c) tail start to shimmer pink. He laughed again, causing your tail to shimmer even more. Curse it, why did your tail have to do that when you got flustered. The blonde looked back at the opening, before back into your (e/c) eyes.

"M'name's John." he said, holding out his hand. Slowly, you took it, kind of wary of the situation. "(Y/n)." was your response. John smiled, a genuine smile, looking at you with a soft gaze. "Well, (Y/n), how's 'bout I see you around, maybe 3 days from now, by Triton's Geyser?" John offered, crossing his arms. You were a bit taken aback, seeing as you had just met. Maybe he was trying to trick you? Maybe he was going to lead the band of creatures to attack you, and then you'll never see your dad, and you'll end up a miserable wife? "Sure." What? You hadn't even meant to say that, but you surprised yourself with the quiet word. Before you could go any further with your questioning, a loud voice rang from the cove, calling for the man infront of you. He shoved you in the opposite direction, sending a quick wink before going back to the group.

You swam away, glancing back at the cove until it disappeared in the distance. What just happened? Were you just asked on a date by one of the creatures your dad had been worrying about? And why did you say yes? As you swam along, you couldn't help but wonder as to why you had agreed to the shark tail's request.

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