Moving In

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"John, get off your ass and help me move this box." Maddy grumbled, stretching her back from trying to move the box by herself. It was filled with dishes and kitchen utensils, there was no reason it had to be so heavy! Her boyfriend chuckled from the couch, standing up and picking up the box with a grunt. "I'm convinced that you just didn't want to unload the moving van anymore." the youtuber commented, walking to the kitchen. The blonde snickered, stealing John's place on the couch. "It was your fault for not hiring movers." she stated, looking behind her shoulder. John rolled his eyes, sitting in his girlfriend's lap.

"Yo dude, this couch is really lumpy." the man commented, softly bouncing up and down on the girl's lap. Maddy giggled, shoving John off her lap onto the cushion beside her's. "You butt." she playfully pouted, slapping his thigh. He snickered in response, wrapping an arm around the shorter girl's shoulders and pulling her into him. He pecked the side of her head, looking at the piles of boxes littering their living room. The two decided to move in with each other after their 2nd anniversary. Since they lived so far away from each other, they rarely got to get together. John was the one who offered the idea, and Maddy jumped on it. So they packed all their stuff and met halfway, finding a small apartment in the city.

Just as the two were getting comfortable relaxing, Ace, their pet trotted into the room, hopping up onto the couch in Maddy's lap. Ace was a schnauzer pup that John had gotten Maddy for their 1st anniversary. When he went to her hometown to see her, he got really cheesy and tied a bow around the next of the pup and let it wander into the girl's bedroom as a surprise. The pup had taken such a liking to the female, he rarely left her side. John's nickname for him was "The Little Cockblock", which he truthfully was. The schnauzer growled at the arm around his owner's shoulders, and the man sheepishly pulled his arm away. Maddy giggled, patting the pup. "Daddy's being a butthead. Yes he is, he's a stupid butthead, isn't he?" she cooed at the dog who wagged his tail and yipped in agreement. John smiled at the two, sneakily snapping a photo he would upload later.

John stood up, walking to the kitchen and started putting stuff away. Unbeknownst to him, his girlfriend was hatching a sneaky plan. He was so preoccupied trying to figure out where to put stuff, he never noticed her creeping up behind him, a devious grin on her face. Just as John reached up to stick some plates in a cabinet, Maddy lunged at him, tickling his sides. The man snorted, his hands quickly reaching down to grab her's, turning around and trapping her in his arms. "Haha bitch, how the tables have turned." John said, knocking his forehead softly against hers. The girl could only grin up at him, blowing a raspberry as she looked into his eyes. The two stared at each other for a second, John beginning to sway softly. He pecked her nose, then softly pressed his chapped lips against hers.

He pulled away quickly, feeling a soft bite at his leg. Ace clamped his teeth into John's leg, growling at the man. Maddy started laughing while the man cursed the dog. "You're a mistake, ya mutt." John joked, pushing the schnauzer away. Ace trotted to the girl's side, sitting at her feet protectively. The blonde's laughter died down to little giggle's, and she turned on her heel to go back to the living room. "C'mon Acey, we'll let daddy put up the dishes." she said, throwing a smirk over her shoulder. To John, it looked like Ace gave him the exact same look. He scoffed, turning back to the cabinet. "That little cockblock." he muttered. He yelped, looking behind him to see Ace latched onto his leg again. John grumbled. "You best be glad I like her too much to get rid of you." he sneered, ripping his leg from the dog once again.

This is for my homegirl Maddyhatter132

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