
26 1 1

Reviewed by: Annie_Moon2001

Author: dotstarflowers

Cover: 7/10 

The cover looks okay. But honestly, had I come across this book on my own, I wouldn't have given it a second glance. It just looks bland. For a book about a unique girl, it lacks every bit of uniqueness. (I don't think that sentence is correct. But, anyways I hope you understand what I mean.) It lacks that spark. 

Description/Summary: 8/10 

I love your description. It's quite captivating. It needs a little brushing up. I'll advice that you properly paragraph it. Like give a one line spacing between two lines. I'm not saying that you should paragraph the whole thing, it'll look really awful. Just ebit in a way that it looks exciting to read. Also, the part where you wrote "a book", I think it'll be better if you write it as a new sentence. It will help show more emphasis. Then the name of the school, try using initial capital letter.In short, just thoroughly edit the description. 

Chapter Review: 6/10 

Prologue:Not to sound harsh, but the beginning of the book (that is, the first paragraph of the prologue) needs work. Also, the part where you wrote, "secondary/high-school" I believe that you should remove one. You either leave it as secondary school or as high school. If the readers doesn't understand the meaning of secondary school which is really outrageous then you explain it to them when they ask. 

The check list thing, rather than writing "tick" you should actually tick it. Like make use of a tick sign. It'll look more realistic and presentable. If you don't think that's a good idea, then you can use "check" instead of "tick". Sounds a whole lot better. Then, maybe you can use a bold font for the questions. 

Again, properly paragraph your work. Just by pressing enter once doesn't mean that you've paragraphed it. Proper paragraphing will make the book look more presentable and exciting to read. I noticed some spelling errors. 

Chapters:The beginning of chapter 1, I don't understand if she's introducing herself to the head mistress or to the readers. Try to make that more clear. The survey, I think it would look good if the questions are in bold and answers, just normal. That way, the reader wouldn't get confused.Generally, I noticed some spelling and grammar errors. It was really frustrating reading this book because of the way you paragraphed it. It was all jam-packed. The only reason I was able to read all the chapters (the 10 chapters published) was because it was interesting and I wanted to see how it'll end. 

Activity of the Writer: 9½/10 

There are no comments in the comment box but there are a few on the conversation box. The writer didn't reply to one message.

Plot: 8/10 

I'm definitely going to be reading this book to the end. Even if it was quite frustrating reading it, with how everything was jam-packed because it's really interesting. I really want to see how Georgina's fight with Octavia would end. Plus, if she'll end up dating Gillian. To sum it all, I'm officially a curious cat. 

Overall Advice: 

I've already given you pointers on where to work on but to make it easier, I'll list them all out. First, your cover needs work. It doesn't really scream unique. It just makes the book seem boring. Which it's not. Also, there's a really huge problem. Your book is not organized. It just jam-packed. Try properly paragraphing. I'm sure you'll understand what I mean. I couldn't enjoy the story because of this. 

Finally, edit. I'll advice that you halt for a moment and edit every chapter you've published so far. 

I'll give this book a 7/10.

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