14. Late Night Encounter

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I sat on my bed, listening to the sound of Pat's squeaky mattress. I wasn't trying to listen, but considering we shared a wall, it was hard to block out the sound, even with my headphones in and music blasting.

They came back not too long ago, about an hour after I had finished my drink and left Pat alone at the bar. At the time, he still hadn't gotten up from the stool, but had downed two beers. I couldn't help but wonder if he had had more after I left or not. How much did he actually drink to have sex with random guys the way he does? I would die from alcohol poisoning before I was drunk enough to do that.

A particularly loud moan from who I assumed to be Pat made it's way to my ears and I cringed. Why did he have to be so loud? Even the guy he brought back here was loud, moaning and calling out to his "God" every few seconds. I doubted Pat was that good. But, then again, he did do this all the time. Didn't the saying go "practice makes perfect"?

I didn't know why I was sitting here thinking about Pat in bed. It's not like I'd ever end up there with him. We just wanted two different things in a relationship: I wanted a long-lasting one and he would rather them last no longer than one night.

With a sigh, I slid off my bed and headed for the door. I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep anytime soon, so I might as well get something to eat. I barely had any dinner before Pat and I left for the bar and, after I came home, I didn't feel like eating anything. And of course now was when my stomach started to get antsy.

I kept my music playing in my headphones, my phone tucked into my pocket. There was no way I was going to take them off anytime soon. Not when Pat still had his guest over.

Thankfully, I couldn't hear either of them above the sound of my music while I was in the kitchen. I hummed along to the song as I dug through the fridge. There never seen to be anything good in here, nothing that was mine, anyway.

I heard a door slam and I jerked my head up. Did he leave? Or did I just imagine hearing that?

In the next second, Pat appeared in the kitchen doorway, only wearing a pair of loose shorts. I took my headphones out of my ears and paused my music.

"I thought you went to bed," he said.

I shrugged. "Got hungry." I wanted to ask how his "friend" was, but I didn't know if that was appropriate. So I didn't, leaning back into the fridge to resume my search.

"Anything good in there?"

I sighed, looking at him again. "Nope." Then I closed the door and leaned my back against it. "I should just go to bed. I'm not that hungry."

I pushed myself off the fridge and started towards the doorway. Pat didn't move out of my way.

"You don't have to just because I'm out here."

"No, I'm going to bed because your squeaky mattress isn't going to be keeping me awake anymore." I slapped a hand over my mouth. "I didn't mean to say that. I'm sorry."

Pat narrowed his eyes at me. "Was it that loud? I'm sorry, I didn't realize."

I shook my head, lowering my hand to my side. "No. It's your room. I shouldn't complain. Forget I said anything."

I tried squeezing my way past him, but he put his hands on my waist to stop me.

"Bennett..." He sighed. "I don't know... I've never lived with roommates before. When I was at my parents' house, I had the whole basement to myself. It didn't matter how loud I was. I don't want this to bother you, okay?"

I felt like I couldn't breathe. Maybe it was his hands on my waist, or how close he was to me, or something else entirely. I wasn't sure, but whatever it was, I didn't like this feeling.

I stepped backwards. "Please don't touch me," I said, my gaze on the floor between our bare feet.


"I just... I really just want to go to bed."

This time, Pat stepped aside so that I could get by him. Without looking at him, I walked back to my bedroom, closing the door behind me.

I don't know what bothered me so much. So he had loud sex on the other side of my wall? So he touched my waist? Why did I care so much? Because I knew he found me attractive? Because the last time I was touched like that was by Tommy?

I leaned against my door and sank to the floor. I clung to my knees, trying to keep myself from crying.

I don't know how long I sat there, but I eventually forced myself up. I grabbed my phone off my table and dialed Kali's number. She had to have been asleep by now, but I needed to call her anyway.

"Ben?" she asked, sleep slurring her words. "What's wrong?"

I sniffled. "I just really need my best friend right now. I'm sorry it's so late. Can I come over?"

She paused for a second. "Alright. I'm gonna unlock the door. Wake me up when you get here."

I thanked her and hung up. I knew I shouldn't have called her, but I needed her. She would know how to comfort me right now, even if she was half asleep.

When I got to her apartment half an hour later, I found her passed out on the couch. I didn't have the heart to wake her back up, so I grabbed a blanket and laid it over her. Then I crawled into her bed and fell asleep.  

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