20. Dealing With It Like a Guy

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I was still leaning on Pat's shoulder when the guy I assumed to be his ex walked up to us and sat in the chair across from us. I sat up straight.

"Hey," he said to Pat. Then he looked at me. "I'm Shawn."

So I was right. He's the ex. "Bennett. I'm Pat's roommate."

Shawn cracked a smile. "Here I thought he actually found a boyfriend."

I laughed. "I'm just cuddly and he's pretty comfortable."

"Yeah, definitely not dating him," Pat said. "Wouldn't that be weird?"

I hit his arm. "Aren't you the one who-"

He glared at me and I shut up. It probably wasn't a good idea to bring up what happened last night right now. We had been doing so well at not mentioning it all day. I knew he wanted me at least a little bit. It was me stopping anything from happening between us. I guess it would make sense that he would put up a front because Shawn was right there. He probably didn't want to seem like he couldn't date me even when he wants to.

The handicapped man who was in the elevator with Shawn came over. He had to be the fiancé, considering the way he easily started talking to Pat and the way Shawn was looking at him with such love. It made me miss when Tommy used to look at me like that.

"So, Shawn," I said, bringing his attention to me. "I heard you two are getting married. When's the wedding?"

He smiled. "In just under two months."

"Well congratulations. It'll be here before you know it, I'm sure."

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of."

The fiancé looked over. "Afraid of what, dear?"

Shawn rolled his eyes. "You think we're going to have enough time to finish all the wedding prep? Kat was supposed to be helping, but since the baby's here..."

He put his hand on Shawn's thigh. "Our wedding is going to be perfect because you and I are getting married. There's nothing else we absolutely have to have."

"You guys are cute," I said.

He smiled. "Thanks. And I don't believe we've met yet." He stuck out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Andy."

After more introductions, since Theresa decided to join us too, we quickly fell into easy conversation, although Pat stayed quiet for most of it. It was weird to see him act like this, but then again, how well did I really know him anyway?

Eventually, the baby was born. I even got to see her, after Pat's whole family and everyone that actually knew the couple went in first. She was so tiny and precious. One day I wanted my own child, but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Theresa and I ducked out of the room pretty quickly, though. We had both felt a bit awkward being in the middle of this family that we barely knew. It was their day, not ours. It was cute to see the baby, but that's all we were going to do.

I told Pat that we were going to go wait by the car for him, and that he was more than welcome to take his time. Neither of us had anything else going on for the rest of the night, so why not just hang out in a hospital's parking lot?

On the way to the front entrance, I bumped right into someone as we rounded a corner. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I said to him. Then I realized who it was. "Wait, never mind. I'm not sorry."

I tried stepping around him, but he stopped me. "Benny, please. I need to talk to you."

I stared at Tommy. "Did you follow me here? How low can you get?"

"No, I... my girlfriend broke her wrist, but that's not the point."

I scoffed. "Oh, the girl you left me for? Yeah, I don't think we need to talk, Tommy. What is there to say?"

"There's so much I need to say to you. Starting with an apology."

"Okay, thanks. Great talk. Bye."

I hurried by him before he could stop me again. I was still rushing by the time I pushed through the doors and into the parking lot. Why does he keep popping up in my life? Can't he just leave me alone?

"Are you okay?" Theresa asked once she caught up to me at Pat's car.

I shook my head, leaning up against the hood of the car. "I need to get over him. Just seeing him hurts so badly, T. I can't handle this anymore."

Theresa put her arms around me and I leaned into her embrace. "I know, honey, I know. But you're so much stronger than him. You're better than him, okay?"

It wasn't too much longer that Pat came out. He, of course, noticed something was off with me. A simple "we ran into his ex" from Theresa was all the explanation he got. Thankfully he didn't press further.

But the whole car ride back to the apartment, I was thinking. Pat and I seemed so different at first, but we're really not. What if the way to get over Tommy was to take a page out of Pat's book? What if I just needed to have sex?

"Can we go out to the bar tonight?" I asked Pat once we got back home. "I think I need to have sex but I don't know how to find a guy like that."

He furrowed his eyebrows together. "Really? I thought that wasn't your thing?"

I shrugged. "I'm willing to try anything at this point. I just need to forget about him, you know?"

"You really think sex with a stranger is the way to go?"

I spread my arms out in exasperation. "What other option is there, Pat? I need to be a guy about this. Meaningless sex. That's the only way. You do it all the time. Why can't I?"

He sighed. "Aright. We'll go out tonight. I'll find you someone." 

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