Electric Tingle

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Rhett and Link sat side by side, facing the camera and the crew that operated it behind the scenes. They talked candidly to one another, joking and picking at the other out of sheer habit, one that had been culminating for decades. By now most of their jokes were all their own, ones that they'd been telling each other for years, but never seeming to grow old.

Before they knew it they'd been given a countdown and their show began, much the same as all of the others, but this one was special. There was a slight drumming of Link's slender fingers as they waited in the darkness. The usual lift from silhouette into shining light was getting closer with every whispered part of the countdown.

The brightness of the set came into full view, and even though his blue eyes were used to the sudden change, something about today made Rhett narrow his gaze. Link's profile was always the best thing to focus on.

"How can we help fight children living in poverty?" Link asked with wide, blue eyes and an empathetic smile.

"Let's talk about that," Rhett parroted and the two froze for a moment in time for their intro to sound.

"Good Mythical Morning," Link sang, a nervous clinking of his pen obvious on the desk.

"Mythical beasts, we've got a bit of a special day today. This show is comin' at you right now, live. We're hosting our first charity live stream, in support of a charity that we've donated to a few times throughout the years, Children's international," Rhett finished for him, taking note from the corner of his eye that Link's fidgeting hadn't yet ended. He clamped his hand down over the other man's, sending him a smirk that told Link that he was being made fun of for being nervous.

Link made a point of looking shocked at the hand touch, then rolling his eyes that did nothing but make Rhett laugh. They were in their groove, and even the tight squeeze of Rhett's strong hand was all that Link needed to begin to relax again.

"So what plans do we have for getting that money rollin' in?" Link asked, turning to look into the smiling and bearded face.

The smile only got wider as Rhett looked back to the camera.

"Funny you should ask. Please gaze upon the Wheel of Chances!"

With the sound of cheesy game show music filling the air, a member of the crew looking slightly sweaty face pushed an upright spinning wheel in between the two men. Link's nerves came back in full force at the wheel, and he quickly scanned the different places that the small arrow could land.

Most of the actions were mild. From "crack a raw egg over your head" to "dance a silly dance" but it was nothing the crudely written space reading "Rhett and Link kiss."

"Care to explain that one, Rhett?" Link asked, his finger pointing at the kissing line.

"Funny you should ask that, too, buddy. I didn't do it," he held up his hands defensively, but the smile pulling on his lips mixed with the sparkle in his green colored eyes read of amusement. He looked around at the reddened faces of his crew, each in different stages of giddy laughter.

"I think we've been set up, Neal," he whispered as he leaned in towards his co host.

"So what, y'all think I'm gonna kiss this guy? I'd rather kiss a dang dog," Link chuckled, but was incredulous.

"You mean to tell me, that my mouth isn't good enough for you? You would literally rather kiss somethin' that probably licked it's butt minutes before?" Rhett mocked sadness, but really, he loved the exchange if for no other reason than bringing in more viewers.

"Precisely," was the only reply, stone faced as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with the back of his pointer finger.

"All I'm sayin' is, I value our friendship enough to kiss your crusty ole lips, especially when it's for charity. I can't believe you don't feel the same," he jabbed back, but still that signature smile never left.

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