Office Kisses

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Over the next couple weeks they melded their new life together in with their old life together. It wasn't a perfect fit, but it was comfortable enough to keep themselves happy enough for the meantime. Coming to almost silent agreement that whatever they did in their home life stayed home, and any other time was for them. Not asking more questions than they needed to, and remembering that all, that if push came to shove, their families came first.

It was the office that they still got most of their time alone. The crew was never there after 5:00pm and with Link a pathological workaholic and Rhett being the only one who he could bounce the craziest ideas off of, the crew never even seemed to blink at them staying late. Today was no different, with Link pawing over Youtube statistics while Rhett pretended to care about all of the numbers Link was rattling off. The ruse was more effective when the green eyes didn't keep sneaking glances at other parts of the smaller man's body instead of focusing on his face as he talked.

"Are you looking at my butt while I'm telling you about the latest views for last week?"


"Why can't you ever take anything seriously?" Link asked with a raised brow and crossed arms. He looked good like that, stern, in control, and Rhett couldn't help but run a tongue against his lips at the sight.

"I take you seriously. I'm takin' you real seriously right now."

Link's eyes rolled involuntarily as he sunk in his chair and spun it back to face his laptop. Rhett wasn't quite over the attitude though, and he thought maybe, just maybe, he could help to alleviate a bit of the stress. It was coming off of Link in waves, always having been a bit more tightly wound.

Rhett made his way to where Link was perched, standing over him for a moment, just letting his presence loom. When that didn't grant him the attention that he sought, his arms traced their way down the front of Link's chest, settling just below his sternum.

"Oh, you think you're gonna distract me, now?"

"Can't blame a guy for tryin'."

Link felt first the tickle of a beard just below his right ear, followed swiftly by delicate kisses that left a warmth behind even as they traveled along the neckline of his T-shirt. The hands on his ribs moved around freely, exploring the territory with gentle prods.

"S'not gonna work. 'M busy," Link slurred, his tongue feeling too heavy in his mouth.

"Sounds like you might be comin' down with somethin', there buddy. Which is perfect, cause I'm comin' up with somethin'."

"Rhett... c'mon, man. This is im-important. It's our lively...hood," Link tried to get the words out fully, but the way his body spasm betrayed him.

"Mhmm..." Rhett was relentless, trying to fully take advantage of the free time they had together.

The swat of hands were way too soft to be taken seriously, and Link was trying so hard not to smile at the attention. Then came the groan that Rhett was loving each time he heard it now. The warm fingers grazed the sensitive spots that he used to avoid, worried about tickling the smaller man.

With a pull of the hand Link was onto his unsteady feet, his blue eyes looked up into hazel. The same hooded look that was there when they were under stars was all that Rhett needed to know that whatever he was doing was exactly Link needed.

A second later they were kissing slowly. Their fingers interlaced and Rhett backed up carefully their comfy office couch once again, then with a grab of his large hands around the smaller waist he placed Link on his lap facing him.

"What are ya plannin'?"

"Kissin' ya 'til your lips fall off," Rhett smirked, "or we get hungry enough to order take out. Whichever comes first."

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