Always There

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Rhett drove Link home with the same warm hand covering his, the same soft smile cast his way, and the same route he'd been taking. He drove carefully, methodically, hoping that if he took his time the proximity between the two would be enough for Link to remember. To make him realize that /Rhett/ was who he wanted.

"What if I see you tomorrow and I tell you that I don't wanna do this?" Link asked quietly, both hands making a sandwich out of Rhett's right. He didn't mean that it was the way he was leaning, he was genuinely curious if their friendship could survive this.

"Then I'd love you just the same as I always have. Like a broth... like my best friend. I'd push any other thought as far from my mind as I could," Rhett answered sincerely.

"You think we'd still be friends?"

"I know we would, Link. Too much history for either of us to back out on now. I'd be too lost. And you... well, you wouldn't last a day," he chuckled.

"I wanna argue, but you're prolly right. And what happens if I see you tomorrow and tell you I want you to kiss me just the same way you just did?"

"Then I will."

The answer was simple. One that made Link's heart a little lighter, a little happier. If only everything could be so easy...

"And what if I tell you that I want to be with you but I don't think I can? And I tell you we can't see each other anymore?"

"You won't."

"How d'you know?"

"Cause I know you," Rhett informed, casting a sideways glance. "And we already established that you wouldn't last a day without me."

"Why are you bein' so good to me?" Link asked him, the question seemingly pulled from nowhere.

"'M'always good to you, man," he grinned.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." The squeeze on his hand was answer enough. He didn't need Rhett to say anything else about it.

"And if we decide we want to be together, what happens then?" Link asked, the weight of the question falling heavy around them, nearly sucking the oxygen from the car.

"We'll figure it out," Rhett told him after a momentary silence.

"We should plan ahead, don't you think?" Always the worrier, Link needed more substantial plans.

"We'll figure it out, baby," he grinned again, and the word alone was enough to shut Link up.

They left on Link being the one to reach out when he was ready. Regardless of what the time was or what either of them was doing a phone call or text was all that was needed. The last few minutes in the car were a blur of questions but only Link seemed to be internally screaming. Rhett was still just Rhett. Relaxed, confident and the most solid person to lean on.

Link wondered if that would change if they did start something new and fearless. He could already feel himself shifting in his own body. There was a change in the way he viewed everything, but most of all himself. Even taking the potential cheating..well, at this point further cheating out of it, he had no idea that he could be attracted to guys, let alone Rhett.

But there it was. His own sexuality twisting into another shape right in front of his eyes. Had it always been this mailable, or was it just because of Rhett? Now that the dam had been broken his mind and body were flooding with scenarios and situations from the past and present. Men who he thought were just good looking before all of this..was it him just appreciating what beauty was, or was there actual true attraction there?

Below the Mythical Surface (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora