Holding On

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For a while, far too long, if you ask either of them, communication came to a grinding, screeching, fiery halt. Hellos came in the form of head nods, goodbyes were non existent. Very little conversation outside of filming happened, leaving the crew to pick up more slack than they were paid for. Meals were eaten separately, the office was only occupied by one at a time, and two cars were driven instead of one.

It was a painfully obvious change in dynamic. Families noticed. Friends noticed. The crew and the viewers noticed. But most importantly, they noticed. Little sleep was had. Too much sleep was had. Nothing seemed funny. The sky was a little more dull and hearts were a lot more heavy.

It was decided that on their trip away from the city, that they would travel separately, once again. They'd meet up for rehearsals and little else. Unfortunately, the staying in different hotels didn't pan out, but two rooms were purchased on different floors.

Rhett's room was cold, choosing not to use the furnace. He always ran a little hot, and maybe the shivering could keep him distracted from hopping on the elevator and knocking on the door that would lead him to Link.

Link's room was sweltering. His furnace was running at full capacity, so that he didn't need the warmth from anyone else. He was sweaty, sticky and gross, and he hoped that it would keep him occupied enough so that the stairs didn't call his name.

The first couple of days could have been worse. Without their wives around they wouldn't have to explain their long silences as they sat and thought about each other. There was no need to get dressed until they needed to do so, and with the crew taking care of the show until they returned the only videos they did were in the form of occasional video logs. The crude format made it easier to excuse each other's absence. Link took time to record some of the local places he ate while Rhett made practice vlogs of a couple new songs. The comments from viewers seemed okay with this new way of them being. 

At least until they got back to LA.

It was Link that broke first. It wasn't like he actually wanted to talk to Rhett, but he needed a few questions answered after he had made his decision. Well, his next decision anyway. It was fairly late by the time he got his nerve up, with the help of a couple of well placed beers and finally finding his house shoes and brushing his teeth for what could have been the hundredth time.

He had tried to text before he came over, but gave up after deleting each and every line he had started. Also the idea of Rhett ignoring something so important would have probably done him in completely.

The man at the front desk had been questioning at Link's request to find out what hotel room Rhett actually was in. It seemed it was more out of pity for Link that he was finally told that Rhett was in 712. Another elevator ride up to floor seven have Link just the time he needed to convince Rhett to not slam the door in his face before he was able to finish what he needed to say.


It had taken Rhett far too long to open the door, and by the hazy look in the green eyes Link connected that the taller man had probably been trying to sleep.

"Hey, I need to talk to you," Link said, time as apologetic as he could make it. "It's important. Please?"

He had his foot ready to block the door if Rhett had started to close it, but to the relief of both his heart and foot he was able to come inside. With a shiver Link wished that he had worn more layers than just his pajamas.

"Well, you wanted to talk?" Rhett muttered as he sat down at the foot of the bed. "Start talking."

Link nodded, but said nothing. His plan of just spilling his guts frozen by the chilly air along with the coldness in Rhett's stare.

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