An Unexpected Turn

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"Man, that was incredible," Rhett exclaimed, following closely behind with a bounce in his step.

Link smiled into the silly kiss that Rhett gave him, taking an extra moment to really feel the way he was being held so close, and so securely. The long fingers slid down his sides to rest on his hips as Rhett rubbed his nose against his, and Link couldn't help but giggle.

"Did ya jus' Eskimo kiss me, man?"

"I did. Gotta problem with that?"

The grin tilted menacingly as Link thought about a sarcastic response, but the green eyes had him melting again. It was fun to see Rhett this light hearted and carefree. Link helped him feel this way, and he couldn't stop smiling about it.

"Nah, ain't got no problem with nothin', Bo."

The grip on Link's hips tightened, and the familiar taste of lips and soft beard were back. Then the sweet smell of Rhett's vanilla shampoo.

"We should probably get ready for our autograph session," Link mumbled , eyes still closed.

"We will," Rhett mumbled back, the warm breath of the other man still so wonderfully close. "Just give me one more minute to..."

Link opened up his hazy eyes to connect with the other face. Rhett was staring down at him, brow slightly lined. Out of the odd silence Link couldn't stop himself from the tiny laugh that left him, and Rhett smiled back.

"There it is," Rhett whispered, and Link could sense the tears welling up in his eyes. "The key to my heart has always been your laughter, and you damn sure can open it up every single time."

Another kiss, and Link's legs turn wobbly again as the door to their private place is knocked on. A soft voice told them that they had about an hour before they needed to get to their table for signatures, and at the sound of Rhett call back at understanding, the noise of footsteps walking away.

"I'm hungry," both of them said at once, and then they laughed.

"Then let's get a quick bite before we see the fans," Rhett decided, grabbing one last kiss before the headed back outside. "There was this really good lookin' pizza food truck out front."

Link didn't get a chance to agree or disagree before he was being pulled out of the green room and down a large flight of stairs. A few fans were able to catch them for autographs and a picture or two. Gracious as ever, the viewers were giddy when they left them alone, and soon Rhett was ordering slices of pepperoni along with bottles of water.

"Not bad for our second meal of the day," Rhett smirked. "Hopefully we can have a little more relaxation time after signatures. Don't think we have to be anywhere else until photos at 4:45pm."

"Yeah," Link agreed, mouth full of pizza crust. "After pictures then we just need to make an appearance at the after party. Think it starts at ten, but I can -"

A text message alert from Link's phone has him pausing and pulling out his phone. A small look at the screen and a sigh, then he placed the phone back in his front pocket.

"Christy," he said, answering the quizzical look on Rhett's face. "Asking me to call her when I get the chance. Pretty sure it's about the kids driving her crazy. She's been a trooper about practically being a single parent this weekend."

"Go ahead, call her. I'll wait over there and give ya some space," Rhett suggested through a greasy mouthful of pizza. He wiped at his lips with the back of his hand, frowning that he had forgotten to grab a napkin or two. Link giggled at his features, smiling up as Rhett rolled his eyes. He didn't want to leave him, even for the few minutes that it would have taken to give a call back. He could handle it later.

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