Staring at Ceilings

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Sleeping was supposed to be easy for Link. It always had been. He was known for being able to fall unconscious in an impressively short amount of time. The fact that his muscles weren't used to this much tossing and turning was beyond unnerving, but even with the soft sounds of Christy snoozing beside him did absolutely nothing to help him sink into sweet dreams.

Sweet dreams would honestly be too much to hope for at this point. Right now he would be grateful for just being able to pass out into an exhausting fueled coma until the morning. Even light dozing with the occasional nightmare would be preferable to this distant staring off into the ceiling of his bedroom. The silence of the house felt too much like the pressing void between Rhett and him hours before. The bearded face was at the edges of every place he shifted his attention. Then the way that Rhett had only responded back to his first text after everything.

L: (1:36pm) Great! See you then.

L: (2:21pm) I know I said that whole thing about no apologies but I changed my mind. I'm sorry for snapping at you.

L: (6:57pm) Are you still upset?

L: (7:02pm) Rhett?

He sighed again, and almost out of reflex he grabbed his phone and looked at the text messages again. Not any response still, and he didn't know what to make of that. This type of argument was all so foreign to Link. Should he try to call him? Send a silly cat video? He was grasping at figurative straws.

R: (1:54am) I'm fine.

Rhett fought for as long as he could. Refusing to acknowledge Link's reaching out. Good, he thought, let him drown. If Link was too oblivious to get what he had said in the dressing room, maybe the nerdy glasses were just for show.

Rhett knew, realistically, that it wasn't fair. He knew that he shouldn't expect Link to wake up and replace feelings that he'd had for thirty (plus years). He knew that Link was a compartmentalized man, and Rhett just wasn't in the compartment that he wanted to be in. And damn it, why did he want to be there?

He groaned when his screen lit up again, urging himself to keep his eyes closed. To pay it no mind at all. And he gave it a valiant effort, really he did, for nearly four minutes. But soon worry took over. Why wasn't Link asleep? What if it's an emergency text and he needed him? He couldn't just ignore him, that just wasn't what friends did.

L: (1:56am) Good. That's good. I really hope we don't have any awkwardness tomorrow or anything. This is the first time in a while that we've walked away from a fight still mad. Not sitting well with me, ya know?

Rhett read it and reread it, formulating a response that wouldn't give too much away. He didn't want Link to have the power that he did, but then again, they'd fought about him handing over the reigns here and there, right?

R: (2:01am) I'm not mad. Just a little confused I think. Everything will be fine in the morning. Don't stress yourself. Night, Link.

He thought to himself, what's the best was to diffuse the slow burn of anger? Humor, he knew was the best dose of medicine. And so he sent one more quick text.

R: (2:02am) Xoxo

The chuckle at the last text was more than Link expected, but exactly what he needed. The line before though, hadn't helped him feel any less anxious. They were friends, and sometimes friends got into fights. Maybe the kiss was just a symptom of a bigger issue. That the closeness they both seemed to be feeling was because they saw each other so much, or some wayward sexual frustration not aimed in the right direction. Link paused for a moment to reflect on the second part of this theory. He didn't know how Rhett and Jessie were doing, but between kids and work it had been a while since he and Christy had been intimate.

As if she sensed her name in his thoughts, Christy gave a muffled grunt and turned over. Her soft arms snaked around his waist, and there was a sweetness in the way that she sighed. There was a warmth to her touch that was not complicated to Link's mind, and he silently thanked her for it.

Placing the phone back down one more time Link already decided to take a firm approach to whatever was fogging up his heart. Be as professional as much as he could with Rhett. Limit hugs and touches until he and Christy would be getting some proper couples time, then see what the next days brought.

Rhett's alarm went off as soon as he forced his eyes closed it seemed. He tapped at the off switch, nearly growling at the sound until it stopped and he was shrouded in peace at once. He was grateful for the quiet for a moment. But then the previous day had the opportunity to sneak it's way in, working their way through his brain like some sort of alien parasite. One that was intent on dragging him through the worst moments in recent memory. One that would surely drive him insane if he let it.

And so, with a huff that was unmatched, he swung his feet from the bed, stomping them on the cold hardwood beneath them and making his way to the bathroom. He showered and brushed his teeth stiffly, as if even allowing his muscles to relax would ruin his fight against his own mind.

He drove without much thought, being able to make this drive in his sleep if he ever needed to. He's taken the same path hundreds of times, weekdays and weekends alike. Always excited to see his friend. Never worried about what may meet him when he got there. This day was different, though. This day he was wracked with an unfamiliar illness that made him wish he could go home, close the blinds and never see sunshine again.

It helped that the ride to Link's house was such a familiar one. The muscle memory was in every turn of the steering wheel and every stop sign and traffic light. The driveway looked like it had just endured a severe power wash and not wanting to ruin its white sheen with tire tracks, Rhett chose to pull to the curbside instead. A quick text was all he needed to get the front door opening and closing in a matter of moments.

It didn't help that Link was already so boyishly handsome before Rhett had placed his lips against the smaller man's lips. Whether it was Rhett's own warping mind or just the way the sunlight hit Link's face over the past few times he had laid eyes on him, he was almost painfully good looking. Dressed today in a buttoned up dark blue shirt sprinkled in strawberries and dark brown slacks that hugged his slight curves way too well, Rhett was relieved to have a few more feet of space between them to collect himself before Link opened the car door.

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