Half Full Confessions

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The hotel that Rhett had booked was moving slowly into their view, and they made it in a fairly good amount of time. Even with the occasional need to stop for Link to remember how to walk. Face slightly red and fingers interlaced, Link was already getting more touchy feely. At least a couple of times, with a slight groan of frustration, Rhett had to push away Link's grabby hands from the more indecent sections of Rhett's lower regions.

"You can wait 'til we get to our room," Rhett mumbled. His green eyes were met with a delicious pout from Link's bottom lip.

"But I don't wanna wait..."

"Well that's too bad, now isn't it?"

The elevator up to their room was full of suggestions, hot tongues and hotter touches. Link was practically begging, biting at Rhett's lip and pushing himself so far against the other man that Rhett didn't know how they hadn't become one person.

"When we get to the room, you're gonna fuck me, m'kay?" It wasn't a true question. Link was demanding, just as much with words as he was with his actions, and it was hard for Rhett not to take him right there in the elevator.

Somehow Link managed to make it to their room in one piece, shoving Rhett against the door with a new and invigorated assault as soon as it was closed. He moved his hands from Rhett's jaw, down to his shoulders and chest. His hands traveled further south and it was all Rhett could do not to collapse under the weight of his curious hands.

"I wan... want you to fuck me now."

Link's hand intermingled with Rhett's, drawing the pink from his skin and turning it to a porcelain white. The need was dripping from it, leaving traces behind in the form of sloppy kisses and shed clothing.

By the time they reached the bed his shirt was off and accompanying his shoes in the middle of the floor. His zipper was undone and his form fitting jeans were halfway down his shaky thighs.

"Did you bring... ah, what exactly will we need?"

Link wasn't quite sure of the procedure, all he knew was that he wanted Rhett irreplaceably close. He wanted Rhett's heat to sink in to his skin, leaving a mark that he could never rid himself of.

"I have everything we need. Don't worry 'bout anything."

Rhett wanted Link just as badly, pulsing against his own denim with every foul word that came from the other man. His hands fumbled with Link's clothing, watching him pull his shirt off blindly and dancing from the restraints of his pants. He pushed Link down against the bed and followed him swiftly to the mattress. His lips found their target in record time, and Link moaned wantonly into his mouth.

"Gonna fuckin' make you mine, Link. Should have done it a long time ago."

The blue eyes peered up at him from the bed, and Rhett was reminded so strongly of the previous time they were in Nevada. The warm blankets hugging the smaller man as they both laid under the stars, with Rhett slowly learning how to create new ways of seeing Link. If Rhett just allowed himself to pause long enough to think - really think about how often fluttering images of Link would occupy the lighter spaces of his mind he would have taken more time to appreciate the way Link smiled.




"Rhett, you doin' all right?"

The taller man had stopped in his tracks, his right hand halfway up Link's bare calf. Other than the fast rise and fall of their chests they were still as they looked at each other. Both showing themselves exposed. Link was the more obvious one on display, with his slender form pressed heavily on the mattress, giving permission to be admired by the only man who had been able to see past the nervous laughter when he was scared or confused. The only person who knew when to make a joke when he was on the verge of tears.

Below the Mythical Surface (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now