Questions and Answers

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They bowed and waved courteously, Rhett's mic in his right hand, Link's in his left until Rhett faced him and held out a hand. Link smiled widely knowing exactly what he wanted. He extended his hand as well and popped a leg up behind him, forcing his attention from the eyes that looked back at him so intently, and faced the crowd. The familiar gesture drew even louder cheers, and Link held the pose far longer than Rhett had, unwilling to let go of the contact between them. He was lucky, he thought, that no one really saw through him, thinking that he was just being silly instead of trying to keep himself grounded.

"Good Mythical Morning!" Rhett finally cheered once Link had nearly lost his balance and had to let go.

"We hear y'all have some questions," Link filled in.

"Let's talk about that," Rhett finished, and they scuffled to the table placed behind them. They sat closer than necessary, aligning their legs beneath the cloth that covered them, but leaving their torsos in opposite directions. It wasn't fair, really.

The first question was an easy one, in terms of emotions anyway. "What is your least favorite thing you've eaten on the show?"

They were happy to answer in the form of, "Every single thing with blood or liver," for Rhett, and "Those hot peppers, man. They tear me up!" For Link.

Link's leg pushed harder against Rhett's, and he was happy to feel that the gesture was returned. Rhett always knew just what he needed, often times before he even knew that it was a necessity. And Link realized, not for the first time, that Rhett was a missing piece for him. So important that he could never feel whole without him.

The next couple of questions were who their favorite guests were, and they were as diplomatic as they could be. Link made a point of proclaiming that they loved everyone who was willing and brave enough to come on their crazy show, but with the understanding that the crowd wanted at least a couple of namedrops, he listed Jacksepticeye and their children as a couple of their favorites.

Rhett pointed out the next round of the Q and A and a young lady in a black GMM T-shirt asked the first question that caused Link to internally scream.

"So if you two were actually less than 100% heterosexual, would you have at least considered dating each other?"

Rhett's leg slightly shook as Link's knee pressed up against him. A small look to the left and Rhett could see the color drain out of the smaller man's face. He would need to answer this question for the two of them before Link panicked completely.

"Well, first of all," Rhett said with a devilish smile. "I don't think that anybody is 100% one way or the other. If you really think about love and you are opened to bein' happy, then you should at least consider all options."

There were general murmurs of agreement in the crowd, and even Link leaned over slightly to see where Rhett was going with this.

"So, because of that," Rhett continued, giving another charming smile. "Then sure, I'd be willin' to give old Linkster a chance to put a ring on my finger. Provided if we both weren't already spoken for, of course."

The audience laughed and applauded and though Link kept his face towards the crowd Rhett enjoyed the small squeeze of Link's hand on his under the table.

"I'm too high maintenance for Rhett," Link amended, and the laughter grew louder.

"There's no denyin' that, brother."

Link could feel the pressure decrease against his sternum the slightest bit, and finally he could breathe again. He could do this. It wasn't anything new, these questions. Even growing up people in his hometown had suspected, though there wasn't anything to hide back then.

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