Musical Inebriation

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Link laughed heartily, slugging his head back and taking cool gulps of beer from a frosty mug. The back of his hand was drug across his lips to clear the excess foam as he sat it back down.

"I told you not to get the hottest hot sauce," he  scolded with a grin. "You tend to get mad when things are too spicayy." He couldn't help the teasing, Rhett's face was too red, his forehead to sweaty.

"Shut up man. I hate that we exist."

"Well, I for one, love my medium wings. Just enough flavor. It's not overwhelming. Perfectly palatable. And man, does it pair well with beer," he said, bringing his glass once again to his lips.

"Link, I swear to god..." his head was clasped firmly between his hands, mouth open and breathing like a dragon.

"Drink some beer."

"I can't, man. It's makin' it hotter." Rhett was whining, and Link couldn't help but love it. Anytime Rhett was in a little pain, it brought back all of the years off Rhett being better at sports and Rhett winning so many of the competitions on their show. Link was finally the one who didn't look silly, and he was soaking it in.

"More for me. I think I'll go grab another pitcher. While I'm up there, you want some milk for your bottle?"

If Rhett could actually think of something sarcastic to say back he would have. Instead he just tried to think of cold thoughts, like ice cream and snow covered mountains.

"My lungs feel like they're actually meltin'. Is that even possible for lungs to do? That was rhetorical, Neal."

Link had already had been prepared with an answer, but at that he closed his mouth and instead raised his hand up for another beer. The noise from the bar made it obvious that most of the crowd was going to be joining them at the concert. There were smiling faces all around them with once and a while a Brooks and Dunn song bellowed sloppily from a direction that no one could fully figure out.

About an half hour before the start of the show Rhett was able to get Link to stop two fisting drinks. With a gentle pull of the arm they headed out into the dry and dusty Nevada air. More than anything with the off tune melodies coming out of Link, Rhett was happier than ever that the event was out of town. Link seemed to be enjoying the slightly less possible chance of getting recognized as well. He had placed his arm around the taller man's waist as they moved down the sidewalk towards the stadium, and after the second time the smaller hand had brushed against his backside, Rhett was sure the contact was on purpose.

"You're in a cuddly mood tonight," Rhett muttered. "This explains way you were all right with us sharing a hotel room."

"That's because we could get only one room because of the concert, and you know it," Link giggled. "Our sleeping in the same bed is merely...situational."

"Whatever you say, baby."

Holding Link steady enough to walk was a challenge. He wobbled back and forth, at times losing his balance, but kept an upbeat demeanor and a smile on his face. Rhett couldn't blame him for letting his hair down, so to speak. It had been a while for the both of them, so wrapped up in work and their new adventures together that they almost forgot that they were human. They needed a respite from the day to day grind. So even though holding him up was a real workout, he decided that it was fun nevertheless. A throwback to their college days.

"Dang, man, tryin' to hold you up is like tryin' to balance a cooked noodle," Rhett laughed as Link slipped around in uneasy circles.

"Not a noodle," Link mumbled, taking stuttered guided steps.

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