Weekend Time

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The next few weeks were good ones, with both Rhett and Link being able to balance home, work and their new arrangement fairly well. There was always the hints and teasing of going further, but neither of them wanted to be the one to really go for the next step. It was easier on their minds to think of their kisses and occasional touches as just an extension of their friendship. Nothing more.

It was Rhett that was slightly more antsy about this unspoken decision. The late night call from Link had excited him in more ways than one, and the moans of something close enough to love at the end was causing him to question and listen to everything that Link said.

Out of more actually needing to get work done was what brought Link to Rhett's house that Sunday afternoon. The office was either too full of other eyes to get any time alone, but their office had practically become just a place to kiss and occasionally grab a hold of each other. That meant that the actual  work that they were supposed to be doing was being neglected. It wasn't bad when they had already had some scripts and thoughts ahead of schedule. Back during the time that Link would lock them in to make them prepare for the next week's show, and not to spend most of the next hour sitting on top of Rhett's lap.

Stevie was the one who suggested maybe for them to work from home over the weekend to catch up. She was an accessory to a crime she didn't even know had been committed. Both Rhett and Link almost felt bad for agreeing to her idea.

The first weekend day was with Rhett and Link being completely alone in Rhett's house since all of this happened. It was coincidental that Jessie had already had plans to take the kids to her parent's place that same weekend.

Rhett went around, quickly picking up and tossing any trash left out in his house. He didn't really know why he was trying so hard. It wasn't as if Link had never seen his home. He'd been seeing his home, from childhood until now, at least once a week. He knew how Rhett lived, and yet still the need to make a good impression weighed heavily on his mind.

Once he'd gotten a text from Link, simple, On my way, his heart really started to race. It was their first time alone, well, in a house, and well, since they'd gotten together. Did his hair look alright? Were his clothes comfortable, but not too comfortable?

"Jesus, you're a dork," he laughed at himself in the mirror after checking his appearance for the umpteenth time. Still though, that hair was out of place, and his shirt had a wrinkle just there, and it was driving him crazy that it couldn't be absolutely perfect for when Link arrived.

A swift knock on the door followed by the squeaking of hinges brought Rhett's attention away from himself, stomach fluttering and breath catching.

"Hey man, I'm here," Links voice sounded, echoing against the walls of his foyer.

"Long time no see," Rhett greeted, rounding the corner and wiping the leftover hair pomade on his jeans. Shit, more mess.

"Yeah, you wish," Link teased, a nervous grin on his face as Link looked over his shoulder and around the room.

"They're gone. I told you it's just us today."

"I just wanted to make sure before I did somethin' embarrassing like huggin' you too tightly, or maybe kissin' you... or fillin' you with uncontrollable lust," Link  laughed, relieved at the stillness around them.

"I mean, you could try to fill me with, what was it you said? Right,  uncontrollable lust, but I mean," he sucked air dramatically through his teeth as his eyes grazed up and down Link's svelte form. "I just don't know if ya've got it in ya, unfortunately."

The smirk was just there enough for Link to know that Rhett thought his attempt at romantic banter was questionable. Link vaguely wondered how he would have grabbed Rhett's attention at all if they had met in their forties. Maybe that was the secret on how to get someone to stick around for all your quirkiness. Start them off young.

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