Moving Forward

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Two weeks of being back in LA, and Rhett was exhausted in every sense of the word. His lonely hotel room was small and cushy, for the price anyway, but he didn't need much room, nor did he care for luxury. The only point of it was so that he had a neutral space to discuss his impending divorce with Jessie, a place where they could argue and hash it out say from the delicate ears of their boys.

He missed Link terribly, but he understood that he needed the same in terms of a neutral space. Things between them were strained, but only because of the actual distance between them. There were so many things that needed sorted out in their separate lives, that Rhett and Link didn't have much time for Rhett&Link.

Still though, the two deeply cherished their late night phone calls and scattered texts throughout the day. Their regularly scheduled hiatus between seasons was moved up, so the reprieve of seeing one another at work was taken away, too. Soon, they'd decided, they would take time from their busy schedules and reconnect. Soon, they would spend a night together and remember why they'd torn everything down to build anew. And when Link called to ask if, "Please, please tonight. I need to see you, baby," Rhett was quick to toss his paperwork and drive across town to him.

He didn't wait for the elevator to carry him up four flights. Instead, he took the stairs three at a time, cursing his aging back for the whining protest that it tossed his way. But it didn't matter. He could have shattered his stupid spine and still gone with just as much haste. His fist nearly pounded at the door, and as soon as it was opened, he was inside and Link was where he was meant to be; wrapped in loving and strong arms.

"God, I missed you," was the first thing he'd said to him in person, and when Link reminisced the same feeling, he finally felt at home again.

"Tell me everything. I want to know what's goin' on with you. Let me help," Rhett pleaded, and Link walked him to the edge of the bed and sat closely next to him.

"Where to even start? My wife hates me, but that's a given," he chuckled mirthlessly. "It's a slow process, obviously, but it's moving. I see your ring is gone, too," he nodded towards Rhett's naked finger, and without much thought that same hands intertwined with his own.

"I told you, that space is saved for you, as long as you still want it," he told him nervously.

Link smiled, but didn't answer for a moment. He tried but he couldn't find the proper way to explain how much he was looking forward to being connected again like marriage offered. The comfort of feeling like part of a team in every sense again, but this time with the person they always knew it should be in their hearts.

"Never wanted anything more in my life," Link replied, and Rhett smiled back at him, relieved.

The tenseness in the room seemed to lift at this exchange and both of them sat down at the foot of the bed. Rhett pushed a few stray hairs from Link's forehead as they looked at each other. Both wondering exactly how they had survived this long without going completely crazy. A whirlwind of strained conversations with their spouses and reaching out to lawyers. Then to finally sit down with their children, their staff and at some point - Jesus - their fans.

"Jessie has been beyond great in wanting to set things up for the kids." Rhett began as Link listened intently. "They already know that I'm not coming back to the house. Planning on having the actual talk with them once we both get the paperwork started."

"I talked to mine... at least a little. They don't... they don't hate me, but the look..." he choked back a sob, and allowed himself to be cradled in Rhett's lap. His back rubbed in the most comforting way, and the love that poured into him made him almost feel human again. And that was all that he could ask for, for now.

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