Morning After

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"Dang, man. How'n the heck am I supposed to get up. My body freakin' hurts," Link whimpered, rolling from his back to his side at an attempt to get to to edge of the bed.

"M'sorry, Linkster," Rhett offered, trying to push down the small feeling of pride bubbling up through his belly. I did that.

"Oh, shut up, you." Link swatted at him blindly. Rhett easily caught the offending hand and brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against the dampened skin.

"Would it help if I told you I love you?"

"I don't know," Link grinned shyly over his shoulder as he maneuvered into a sitting position. "Maybe you should try."

"I love you, Link." No amusement. No teasing.

"I love you, too, Rhett," he spoke quietly with his eyes softening. "I'm glad we can finally say that."

"Please. We been sayin' that our whole lives," he poked.

"Not like that. Not the way we mean it now. Jackass." The spell was broken and they both laughed heartily. "You really did a number on me. Do you think it's gonna be obvious if I'm squirmin' around in my seat the whole time?"

Rhett shrugged, already grabbing his suitcase and opening it up to pull out clothes for the day.

"Viewers will probably just think you are dealing with the after effects of some food challenge for a taping. Either way though you're gonna need to soak in the tub for a while. Give me your keycard and I'll get you clothes from your room."

Grunting loudly Link slid over to the side of the bed and picked up his pants from last night. Inside the back pocket was his room key card and he tossed it to Rhett who caught it in midair. Then slowly the taller man helped him to the bathtub once it was full of warm water. Link sighed as he settled himself in, with blue eyes closed and a relaxing smile.

After clothing was retrieved and Rhett helped Link massage his leg muscles, Link moved a little quicker with getting his clothes on. By the time Rhett had showered and gotten dressed himself, he grinned at the smaller man struggling to put on his shoes.

"Don't laugh at me," Link chuckled. "This is your fault that I'm actin' all bowlegged.

"So ya want me to not do what I did to ya last night anymore?" Rhett asked with a smirk.

"Now, I didn't say that," Link chuckled again. "I plan on us doin' lots of those things, and more for the weekend."

"Oh? What more could we do? I mean... we already did... everything..." Rhett looked to the ceiling as he thought it through, completely oblivious to the smile spreading across Link's face.

"Well, you did everything. I didn't."

"You didn't cum? I was sure you did. I'm sorry bab-"

"That's not what I meant, Rhett. I meant... I was on bottom," he laughed, nearly becoming breathless as confusion, and fear settled across Rhett's features.

"Oh, well, yeah. But I mean... that's what you wanted, so..." He sputtered, worried that he may say something offensive.

"Look at me, all sore. You should let me tear you up, too," he whispered lowly, making his way toward Rhett and tracing a light finger against his forearm. He was only teasing, mostly teasing, but scaring his friend always was a favorite past time.

"Tear me up? Jesus who are you and what have you done to Link?" He laughed, slightly uncomfortably.

"It's not what I did to Link. It's what you did to Link. You bring out the worst in me."

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