Through the Glass

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(A/N: Part of this chapter is based off of and uses dialogue from the Wedding Fails: News Musicals episode of Good Mythical Morning.)

Link was all giggles and smiles on the way to the office, his body was relaxed, his brain was quiet. He was happy.  As happy as a man can be on his way to work. He held Rhett's hand the entire time, daring him to justtry to take it away and put it on the steering wheel. But Rhett wouldn't have dreamed of it. He wanted the tenderness just as much, if not more.

They made quick work of showing and changing; Link in a black mustached t-shirt and Rhett unusually casual in a green t-shirt and cream colored zip up jacket. He didn't care about a button up, it was just going to be ripped away as soon as they wrapped. He needed to be accessible, needed to be ready.

He stared from behind as Link picked through his hair with his fingers, staring at his reflection and frowning when it didn't settle the way he wanted it to. The frustration in his eyes reminded Rhett that only just a bit ago, he'd seen that same frustration to a higher degree, and it was all thanks to him. He smiled to himself at the memory, thankful that after so many years of Link doing the same to him, he was able to pay it back.

The memory melted away to others, hundreds, thousands, all of Link. Him as a boy swimming in the river and yelling for Rhett to jump in, too. Him as he sat beside a campsite fire with a golden lighting dancing across his features. Him in the sun, sitting on rocks just as he'd done today, listening to Rhett rant about his day. Him when they graduated High School, and moved in together for college. Him when he was sick and stuck in bed. Him when Rhett was sick and stuck in bed later that week and Link made sure to keep him stocked on Gatorade and chicken soup. Him when they'd moved to California and danced across each state line that they'd come across. Him when he cried. Him when he laughed. Him when they'd first kissed. Him when they'd first slept together. And then... just him. Sitting before him, staring at his own reflection with a scowl.

Rhett choked back the lump in his throat, feeling far too sentimental for his own good. The sensation of remembering could only mean one thing, he was going to say something stupid and reckless and he was incapable of stopping himself.

"Link." He cracked with soft eyes and a softer heart. Link turned around and grinned before making his way over to him.

"What's up, buttercup?"

"Rhett settled his hands on Link's slim waist and stared down at him, searching desperately for the words that would never live up to the way he felt. They were useless and stupid, but he had to try. If he kept them in they'd claw their way through his skin, etching it painfully across his forehead for the world to read.

"I just... i just need to tell you..." His voice was strangled, and Link looked worried, his brow set roughly. His hand found Rhett's cheek and cupped it with such a delicacy that it may as well have not been there at all.

"You can tell me anything, and I'll still love you just the same. You know that right?" Link's voice was just as soft as his hand, trying any way he knew how to bring peace to Rhett.

"Link you... fuck. You're everything. I just couldn't look at you for one more minute without tellin' you that. You're everything. I can't even begin to imagine how if all of the people on earth, you ended up with me."

"Rhett - "

"I'm not done. Please let me finish. I'm mad, Link. I'm mad that we wasted so much time with our eyes closed. All we had to do was just open them and we woulda seen..." the tears pricked at his eyes, but Link wipes them away before they could fall, because that's what he was best at. Helping before help was needed.

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