Love You Always

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Link was a little dizzy, but that wasn't really anything new. The champagne flute in his hand was nearly empty, but his smile, well, that couldn't have been fuller if he'd tried. And Rhett, as he watched him waltzing from table to table to greet their guests, his smile was just as broad.

"If you'd have looked at me like that on our wedding day, maybe we'd still be together," Jessie poked at his side and threw her head back in laughter. She wasn't being serious, and there wasn't a hint of tension between them. They'd stayed incredibly close throughout the whole thing, and the affection he felt for her was overwhelming. He pulled her into a tight hug, a comfortable familiarity which was returned whole heartedly.

"Rhett," a gruff voice came from behind them, and he was quick to spin around. "You wouldn't be trying to steal my girl, now would you?" Jessie's boyfriend, Adam, asked with a grin.

"She's all yours man. I'm playing for the other team these days," Rhett laughed and watched the two of them fondly as they nuzzled closer together. "I'm real happy y'all made it. It means a lot to me 'n Link."

"We wouldn't have missed it, honey," Jessie told him with soft eyes and a dazzling smile. "Neither would Christy," she nodded her head a few tables over where Christy sat happily with her own family.

"But you, sir," she poked at him again, "should probably go talk to your husband. Looks like he's on the prowl for more drinks."

Sure enough Link was already chatting with the bartender who was looking slightly concerned at the smaller man. The tense smile on his face was screaming I really need to get a paying acting job soon. With a couple of well placed hands on Link's shoulder and small of the back Rhett was just able to steer his new husband back to his seat. Link didn't seem to notice the look of relief on the bartender's face as he turned to serve the next guest at the bar.

"Baby, why don't you let the servers actually do their job and, well serve you drinks?"

The wave of Link's hand was so ill aimed that Rhett barely made it out of the line of fire, and he sighed at his ability to deal with Link's flailing limbs for most of their life as what saved him this time.

"Just wanna mingle," Link chuckled. "It's our wedding, Rhett! Hey, did I show ya my ring?"

Rhett didn't have a chance to answer before the second time of the night Link's left hand got dangerously close to his nose. This time to show him, yet for the third time, the Lord of the Rings One Ring gold wedding band adorning his left ring finger. Even now Rhett still couldn't understand why even with as geeky Link was that he loved it so much. Wasn't the original ring so evil that it fucked up Gollum for life?

"Yes, I've seen your ring," Rhett chuckled, taking a hold of the flying hand with his right and interlacing their fingers to stop yet another attack. "I bought it for you, remember?"

Link's blue eyes looked up to him, slightly confused as if trying to recall a recently told story. It was very obvious that whatever Link was drinking tonight was already affecting his memory as well as his speech. Rhett was reminded of their first real time out on the town together to the Brooks and Dunn concert. The way that Link was so affectionate and adorable spurred on by pitchers of restaurant beer and finally getting to relax in each other's arms was still one of Rhett's favorite memories, even after so many others they had carved out together.

"Rhett!" Link squeaked suddenly when the sounds of the music behind them changed to a very familiar tune. "They're playin' our song!"

It was times like this that Rhett forcefully remembered how strong Link actually was when he needed to be, and in less than a few moments they were on the dance floor. Link decided to lead, but after a few crushing blows to Rhett's toes, they both decided that just dancing next to each other would be better. Boot Scootin Boogie never sounded so good until that night.

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