Wine with Dinner

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"Rhett McLaughlin," he told the concierge, leaning casually against the counter with both of his elbows, right foot balancing on his toes. Link stood back and admired the view before realizing that they were in a very public place and averting his gaze.

"Here you are Mr. McLaughlin. You'll be in room 2234. Stairs and elevator are to your right. Enjoy your stay." Link rolled his eyes as the young woman smiled and tucked a loose strand of blond hair behind her ear. Could she have been more obviously flirty?

Link pushed his way against the counter without allowing time for Rhett to thank her.

"Charles Neal," he snapped, before realizing that he was being irrationally rude and flashing a bright smile.

"Mr. Neal. Room 2222," she told him without a hint of kindness. Well, Link has it coming, he supposed. He tapped the key card twice on the counter and nodded his appreciation before walking toward where she had directed Rhett.

"That was cold," Rhett laughed as Link sighed.

"She was flirting with you."

"I'm a good lookin' man, Neal. Women are gonna flirt with me," he beamed proudly.

"Well, it's a good thing we got separate rooms. You can invite her up later," he murmured, jabbing at the 'up' arrow and staring at the lit up numbers above the door.

"Oh, baby. You know the only one I want in my bed is you," Rhett growled close to Link's ear, the pride never leaving his features as Link shivered.

The soft ding of the doorbell helped pull Link away from the green eyes, and with a wave of Rhett's hand to go in first they both got into the elevator. Once the door closed and Floor 22 button was pressed, both of them turned to look at each other, barely containing their smiles.

"So, did you want to grab some food from room service?"

Link chuckled at the question before taking a hold of Rhett's hand in his. The familiar squeeze back helped relax the annoyance he had still lingering for the concierge.

"I'm not that easy to get into your bed," Link smirked. "I expect a five star dinner before any funny business."

"I think that can be arranged."

The ding of the elevator sounded again as they stopped on their floor. They let go of each other's hands and headed to their rooms. Rhett got to his room first. The door card was slid in and clicked the door opened and Link continued down the hall to his room on the left.

"Meet me at my place later," Link said, leaning on the doorframe in a silly attempt at seduction.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Rhett stayed long enough to see the wink from down the hall, before the door closed quietly and Link was torn from his vision.

He pulled his phone from his pocket, and poured over review after review of upscale restaurants in the area, keeping his fingers crossed for an open reservation when one in particular caught his eye. He kept the phone steady to his ear, and with a little bit of southern charm (and more cash than he expected to spend) he was able to secure a private dining room towards the end of the night.

He chuckled to himself as he texted Link the time, knowing that he would be hungry far earlier than that, adding that he was pretty sure he saw a vending machine on the ground floor. To his surprise, Link's two word response wasn't one of complaining, rather acceptance for their... was it a date?

L (4:45pm) Sounds good.

With plans arranged and Link on board, it left him to worry about what he would wear, how he would style his hair. Should he trim his beard? One thing was for certain, a show was most definitely needed.

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