Hushed Discussion

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Having a large family was something that Rhett and Link would talk about in the vague and hazy future. Like what they were going to be when they grew up, or the type of toppings they would have on their pizza after school. When the firm reality of the days when 'Dad' would replace their usual names, it both delighted and terrified them. Neither one knew whose idea it was to start setting up their trip to Vidcon when both their wives and all five of their kids were in the house. It was madness to think that it wouldn't be a ton of noise and mayhem, even with a backyard pool and candy involved.

After the third round of small feet racing like sugar filled fugitives through the hallway, it was Christy who kindly grabbed up all of the giggling pack and was finally able to let Rhett and Link organize their schedule in peace.

"So I was thinkin' of us trying to get there a day early this time around," Rhett suggested, bending over the back of Link's chair as Link looked at his computer monitor. "Last time it was crazy with the traffic and we were nearly late to our morning panel. Make for not having to deal with parking either."

Link raised a questioning eyebrow, then gave a quick glance towards the door as if ears might have been pressed on the other side listening to every word.

"As in gettin' hotel rooms?"

"Yeah," Rhett replied, looking puzzled at the tentative reaction. "Makes more sense, and it's just for a few days. Not like we ever took advantage of the accommodations before as guests."

Link stared at Rhett, then turned around in his seat to face him, as if seeing him more fully would help him understand the taller man's sudden insanity.

"Don't ya think that the last thing we need is bein' with each other alone for a whole four days?"

Rhett's eyes turned skyward as he placed an exasperated look on his face.

"We've been around with just each other for longer than four days before, Neal. I doubt that an overpriced mini bar is gonna play much into -"

"That's not what I mean, and you know it. We're doin' a heck of a lot more than shootin' the breeze when we're alone lately. What if..."

Link gestured a hand wave between the the two of them, not seeming to vocalize his understandable concerns.

"So what if we did," Rhett said, tone slightly quiet. "I'm not sayin' that I'd be expecting us to do anything, but there could be worse things to be doin' between panels and meet n' greets with the fans."

"Are you... are we... ready... for that?" Link asked with a throat too tight. He pulled at the collar of his shirt, a cartoonish maneuver that Rhett couldn't help but laugh at.

"I don't know, you seemed to be squealin' an awful lot the other day when..."

"Stop. I wasn't squealing, first off. Secondly, as I recall, you were the one being lewd," Link tutted.

"Lewd? Is that what we're callin' it?" Rhett couldn't help but giggle at Link, who was quite offended. He swatted his arm, trying to reel him back in.

"Yes. Lewd. 'I wanna fuck you now. Wanna hear you scream my name,'", he whispered lowly. "...and whatever the hell else you said. Dirty. You're dirty. And I don't know that I could trust you with my virtue alone in a hotel."

"Your virtue? Really. Alright. Fine. I'll keep my hands to myself, until you ask me to touch you." Rhett's voice was dark as he traced a finger against Link's thigh. "But make no mistake, you will ask me to touch you, won't you baby?"

The frown on Link's face was so severely set it might be causing him permanent damage. They weren't just two anonymous bachelors figuring out new fun things to do with their body parts. They were married with children. YouTubers who were going to a very public event where people actively knew who they were and there to meet them.

"I really don't need you tellin' me what I will and won't do,"' Link hissed back, making a firm shove of the bigger hand away from his leg. "But fine. As long as we get separate rooms and yes, you keep your hands to yourself until..well..."

Link had not considered where he was going with the last sentence, and the heat on his face and small smirk Rhett was giving wasn't helping at all.

"We need to take it one day at a time, Rhett. I don't wanna mess anything up. "

The smile turned concerned, and the taller man bent his knees to make sure that they were eye to eye. It took a moment for Link to meet his gaze, finding the ground a much less nervous place to look upon.

"Mess anything up?" Rhett asked, sincerity back in full effect and lifting the chin of the other man so that he had no choice but to really see him. "With Christy...or with me?"

Link didn't look away again. He took time to look at him. The complicatedly beautiful eyes, the long nose, the soft beard that felt so wonderful when they kissed. The way that Rhett could never get rid of that boyish charm in his lips even now, so many years from the first time he saw it.

"I can't...I don't know."

"Then even more reason we need to figure this out, huh?"

"What're we doin', man?" Link asked, dismayed by the recent turn of events in his love life. He's knew that Rhett was someone special, someone that he wanted in his life forever. But then again, so was his wife.

"You keep askin' that, but I don't see you changin' anything. Do you wanna keep doin' this thing, Link? If not, we need to back out now before we do irreparable damage," Rhett couldn't help the bite in his voice, but he was scared. Scared of losing everything. His whole life was set to collapse if he and Link did.

"I don't wanna stop. Even if I did, I don't know that I could anymore." Link's voice was feather light, airy and far away. Rhett's knees became his chair as he kneeled in front of Link, staring up at him and pleading with his eyes for him to look at him.

"I don't want to, either. We'll figure this out. We always do. Nothin's been able to stop us from what we wanted before. Nothin' will now. I'm in this. I'm here." He spoke almost as if he were talking to a child, soft and soothing. He placed a tentative hand back on Link's thigh, and when he didn't get turned away he did the same with the other hand. It wasn't sexual in anyway. Just one human comforting another, and Link was thankful for it.

"We should probably get back, huh? They might start thinkin' we're doin' somethin' we shouldn't," Link grinned, and Rhett agreed.

Both men headed towards the door, but not before they stole a quick kiss. They headed back to their families, each knowing that they wanted each other, but neither knowing how to make it happen.

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