Before the Storm

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"Today we answer all of those burning questions that you've submitted to us," Link smiled into the camera.

"Let's talk about that," Rhett answered, and they both reached forward to grab their laptops.

"We've noticed an influx of questions about Rhett and I, and we've both decided that yall's not only nay-stee, but you're also freaks," he tried to play it cool, but on the inside his heart felt as though it may actually explode. He laughed it off when the crew started pointing out the comments that were flowing more freely about he and Rhett, but it made him nervous. He couldn't exactly say no to the proposed idea for the episode without looking suspicious, and Rhett agreed that they could make a joke out of it to throw off any questions.

"Yeah, mythical beasts... what is wrong with you? Haven't y'all ever seen two grown men that just so happen to enjoy gettin' a rise out of the other,"he said without emotion and staring blankly ahead. He reached his left arm out and began dramatically stroking Link's hair, smoothing it down so much that he made his eyes go wide.

"There's nothin' weird about two men that have known each other their whole lives being open with their bodies," Link agreed, unceremoniously draping himself across Rhett's lap in a dead weight fashion.

"There's nothin' weird about best friends spendin' all their time together," Rhett added as he cradled Link in his arms. Link couldn't stop himself any longer, the nervous laughter bubbled up in a booming cough and he proved himself away from Rhett's grip.

"Get offa me, man!" He giggled, getting back to his own seat.

"So let's get this craziness over with," Rhett giggled back, turning back his green eyes to the his laptop. Link glanced over just enough to see the long index finger move the mouse pointer to a file made up from Stevie.

"First question," Rhett said, giving his beard a playful rub. "If you had to choose one part of Link's body that could stop traffic, what would it be and why?"

The crew 'oohed' and 'ahhed' as if they were watching fireworks, then laughed when Rhett swiveled in his chair up looked at Link up and down. Link played along, covering his chest area with his arms and crossing his right leg over his legs. The blue eyes batted back in a faux look of giddy embarrassment as Rhett continued to check him out like a Sunday dinner.

"I'd have to say his eyes," Rhett cooed seductively. "All four of 'em..

Link's laugh was louder than anyone else's and Rhett yelped at the punch in the arm he got from the smaller man. There was just enough truth in the answer to the first question that was urging Rhett to continue this as over the top as possible. Maybe this was a way to tell Link what he was feeling without announcing to the world or to himself yet. A sprinkle of rain before the storm was to begin.

"You jus' can't get enough of my peepers," Link said, giving Rhett an exaggerated wink.

Rhett's eyeline flickered for the slightest moment to the same areas his lips met just the previous week. If he squinted just hard enough he would have seen the same place he had bitten the skin that was now being hidden by makeup.

"Hard to see your peepers when your wearin' such a large shirt, Neal."

"That don't even make sense, weirdo. Anywho, next question," he announced, adjusting his glasses with the back of his hand and making a pointed decision to ignore the implication.

"If you could do one thing to Rhett's body, what would it be? Follow up question, why is the answer climbing up it like a bean pole...?" He finished it with teeth flashing and laughter bellowing out. "Ah, I would climb Rhett like a bean pole because I'm from the country. We grew up in a time without internet, so we had to actually go outside to play. Climbin' Rhett just brings back all'a those nostalgic memories. It's like bein' on top of the Empire State Building. The weather is different up there, cleaner somehow."

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