Looking In

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Double dates between the two couples had been a ritual for years. The girls enjoyed meeting up, and Rhett and Link never tired of the other, so they were okay with it whenever one of their wives proposed it.

The movies were where they seemed to wind up more often than not, but normally they wouldn't have complained. They spoke so much during the day, the quiet of the theater was typically a nice respite. Tonight, though, tonight was different. At least for Link.

He didn't consider himself a jealous man, really he didn't. His wife was beautiful, she got looks left and right. He'd grown accustomed to sharing her, if only for others to admire. But seeing Rhett with Jessie was another matter entirely.

He couldn't help but glance over every few seconds, seeing her cocooned in his arms, taking the warmth that was meant for Link. Using the strength that he needed to hold himself up. Stealing the kisses that were meant for the top of his head.

He didn't want to look, really he didn't. He wanted to slam himself back in his seat and never look again, more than anything. But his inner voice, one that was sick with wanting Link to tear himself down, screamed at him.

Look! Look how in love they look. He loves her. He wants to touch her.

It was when he'd let himself stare for too long that he finally caught Rhett's attention. Curious eyes met those that were close to breaking, his eyebrow quirking in question as his thumb lolled slowly across his wife's upper arm. Link shook his head, turned away and focused his attention on the screen that droned on.

In his mind he knew that he was being ridiculous. Rhett and he were...was best friends still the proper answer? It was like the question changed just enough that he no longer knew if he had studied for the same test. Plus, he adored Jessie. At least he used to before everything got so complicated inside of his own head.

Rhett tried to talk to him about the daggers he was shooting at her on movie night. Link could tell where the conversation was going towards asking about it. Rhett had the same tells he always had since they were little. The soft topic to just get Link to open up just enough to move to harder subjects. The way he would look down and then up again as he figured out the next thing to say.

Link had an out at every attempt, and even though the hand holding was getting less frequent out of the taller man's frustration, Link dealt with the chilly shoulder. He would talk to him when he knew how to come across as anything but a jealous asshole.

"Just tell me what's up with ya, Bo?"

Rhett had changed his approach after all these years. He had locked them in their office after Friday's filming. Had calculated the best time that everyone but them would be there. He even called both of their wives to explain they were working late. If Link hadn't been so stunned he would have been impressed.

"Nothin's up with me. If anything I should be asking you that question."

"Hard to hold hands with you when I think you hate my wife."

That was a low blow. Warranted or not.

"What? Why would you...?" Link shook his head quickly, banishing the thought before it could take root.

"I saw the way you kept lookin' at us, man. I just wanna know what made you... the look on your face just wasn't you. Are you pissed at me?"

Maybe it was the sincerity in his voice that infuriated Link. Maybe it was the way he stood still and let Link pace around uninterrupted. Maybe it was the fact that he knew he was an asshole, he was just unwilling to admit it.

"Y'know what, Rhett? I just might be. You keep... you're playin' a game here. And I can't. I can't play with you."

Rhett threw his head back with laugh that could have rattled the windows. He snapped it back into place with reddened eyes, dampened with the threat of tearing up. Link was pissed. He was trying to have an adult conversation and Rhett was laughing?

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