Late Night Whispers

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Link was already in bed when the memories of what happened in the office earlier that day were really pushing at him. It wasn't like he hadn't thought about them during the chatty dinner with the family, or when he was checking out some comments on their Youtube page, or well...he did spend a really long time in the shower.

The water felt good in his body. Warm and drumming on his back and shoulders. It almost felt like Rhett's hot fingertips were all over him again. He got hard so quickly that it made his head spin, but he didn't do anything about it. He was never the type to pleasure himself in the shower since little hands looking for random toys still didn't get the idea of privacy. Even now he would have to make sure the bathroom door was closed all the way, after he was sure the kids were asleep, there was still Christy to think about. Not that she would mind walking in on him but considering Link was picturing Rhett on top of him; not the best way to deal with an erection.

No, it was once he had laid down that his racing mind slowed down enough to start playing images in his head again. The sounds that Rhett made when Link was on top of him. The very real feeling of not being able to stop moving his own hips against the other man's growing length. It was so animalistic and rough. Link didn't even know that his own mouth and throat could even produce sounds like that.

The ache of being left untouched made even his hips and back throb. He stared at his darkened ceiling, gently rubbing himself against the taught covers over his waist, realizing he needed relief, any relief. He glanced towards the clock, groaning in despair when he read 1:23am. He'd already missed out on so much sleep in the last few weeks, and now that things were good, really good, he was still missing out.

He left his room quickly and quietly, snagging his phone from his bedside table on the way. The only destination he could really think to go was his office, away from the other bedrooms, the place that he could be alone. A place with a lock.

He leaned back against the small couch that he kept in there, mostly for collaborating with Rhett when he was at his house. The thought made him smile. Surely Rhett wouldn't mind if he used it for other purposes, especially if those other purposes were thoughts of him.

He scrolled through a few... adult sites, intent on finding a bit of material to help himself along, but nothing really caught his eye. He tried a few configurations, straight, lesbian, bi, but one of it was what he wanted. What he wanted was a deep voice and a bushy beard, long, nimble fingers and even longer legs to wrap himself around. He wanted Rhett. Needed him like he needed oxygen.

L: (1:37am) Hey man. Please tell me you're up?

He bit at the nail of his thumb, watching the screen as if it may grow legs and walk away. It was a full three minutes before he got his answer, and he made a mental note to tell Rhett to improve his response time.

R: (1:40am) I am now. Blinded by the light from my phone. Whatcha need Neal?

L: (1:41am) Call me?

He didn't want to slip in too much over a text. He couldn't really be sure who was at the other end. For all he knew Rhett could have dictated the message for Jessie to send. Unlikely, but still scary to think about.

He answered his phone on the first half of the first ring, with an exasperated, "Rhett?" And sighed with relief when he heard the voice on the other end of the line.

"This better be good, Link."

"It least I think that it is. I'm kinda figuring this out as I go along."

There was the faintest shuffle as Rhett moved from the darkness of his bedroom to his own office down the hall. He had know that type of stress in Link's tone before. A fluttery type of nerves that made him know that the smaller man was already balling up his fist in his mane of dark hair.

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