Finally Ready

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Link woke up first, and was confused as to why he was so incredibly warm. The light of morning was soaking through every part of the room, and his usually blurred vision was even more so because of it. The light hint of vanilla shampoo crept into his nostrils as he tilted his head up just enough to see the soft beard and messy blonde bedhead of the man holding him so tightly to his chest. Vaguely Link wondered if anything happened last night, but a quick check in with his body mind let him know that wasn't the case.

Rhett gave a small grunt at the moment, but the green eyes stayed closed and mouth slightly opened. The lean form laying on his side and the shine from the sun making his light hair glisten like gold. Link sighed into the warmth surrounding him, and pressed his ear to listen to the steady heartbeat. Once when they were children they had gone out camping in Rhett's backyard. Link had made a point of bringing everything he would need for a sleepover but much to Rhett's amusement, had left his sleeping bag.

Without even a blink Rhett had allowed Link to share his own, and for the rest of the night they slept side by side. Even back then Link had known that he loved Rhett being so close, and even though he was too young to really know what the feelings were, he wanted more nights like that under that stars.

Then with a small shudder he did recall a night under the stars. Him laying naked and being loved so tenderly as Rhett wanted to tell him how he felt, but the words kept getting lost on the way to his lips. How Link had tried to tell him his own declaration and how Rhett kissed it away. How the green eyes looked down at him with a mixture of determination and fear.

Link knew that he was hard already. The fantasies had followed him, teasing his skin and surging him forward to meet the other mouth. Rhett reacted slowly to the invasion of tongue and teeth but soon he was pressing back into the parted lips as if his breath was trapped inside of the man writhing and groaning beside him.

The need to be closer brought Link to straddle Rhett's waiting lap, feeling immediately that he wasn't the only one that was so ready. He rolled his hips and brought their bodies together, a sharp intake of breath filling him at the sensation. The longer fingers weren't delicate. They pressed roughly against his sides and back, tugging at his neck and hair. Rhett was seemingly everywhere, excited for the one place that Link hadn't allowed. The absence of touch there set Link alight, making him whine from what he didn't have.

"What, baby?" Rhett asked, sowing his movements a fraction of a beat to allow for Link to formulate coherent thoughts.


One slurred word had never done so much to Rhett in his life. His skin sensitivity shot up to a level not previously known, and his heart beat so quickly that became light headed.

"Like, ready, ready?" He asked without trying to get his hopes up.

"Rhett," he whispered as he pulled back, catching the hazy grey of his lustful eyes. "Love me."

Both of their hearts were beating too fast, but they continued to search for new ways to make the other mouth open in moans and hitched sighs. They had each on their own had taken time to research what they would need to do to keep fear and pain at the bay, but nothing could prepare them for the turns their insides were doing as they pulled off their clothes.

"Just stay still and relax," Rhett muttered, his burning kisses floated up Link's neck and jawline. "I'll be as careful as I can, but you need to tell me if it's too much. Promise me that."

"Yes, I promise."

Rhett paused to look into the hooded blue eyes, and brushed the black bangs away from the sweaty forehead. The next time their lips molded together for a longer time. Link could barely cope with the rush of emotions and flooding his body. It was as if Rhett already knew what exactly what to do, and he couldn't stop himself from pulsing all over.

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