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Just a normal day, me doing some paperwork at home which my parents sent me and grandma is at her shop. All these work I have to do is already stressing the f outta me and dealing with my love life is adding a whole lot of weight to it.

If you wonder about my relationship, it's a whole mess. After the wedding Hyunjin and I didn't meet that often. He would be busy because of his schedule, and we can't even meet at night. When he's free I also don't get to meet him because his MOM called him to sleep at home and have some family dinner and stuff. But I know that's not what her real intention is, I just don't want to talk about it with Hyunjin because I don't us to fight with each other.

I came up with an idea that I join his family dinner so we can get a chance to get closer with him family especially his mom but the answers I always get is, "Sorry babe, but mom is inviting Yunsung over." It's not the only time I try to get close ti hi family, I also called and texted him many times but he said he's busy, what makes me upset the most is once, I called Chan to check if they're really busy, but he said they have no schedule today.


"Hey chris!"

"Yo wassup Joosss"

"Just wondering if you're free today, wanna grab some pizzas at my place? Miss you guys" I said through the phone.

"Of course we can go there now we don't have any schedule today just practice and that's it" he said.

"Really?" I asked. "Yeah! Aren't you with Hyunjin now? He told me he's going to meet someone, we didn't ask who we knew it's you" he said while giggling.

"Chris... I'm at home, alone." I said. A moment of silence filled up the phone call until he broke the silence.

"We're coming over right now, me and the boys are going"

-End of rewind-

I'm too tired of the same excuse again and again so I've given up. I don't what he's thinking but he can't even be opened up and honest with me how can I trust him.

I put all the paperwork away since I already finish with them, and I'm going to prepare my luggage now. I'm going on a trip, alone. I was folding my clothes and phone rang.

"Hello?" I said.

"Ah yoo... can we meet today?" He asked me.

"I don't know Hyunjin aren't you busy today?" I asked him.

"I-I just want to see you, I miss you...can you come to the park near the company?" He asked me.

"See you" I replied.

I arrived at the park at saw someone who has his mask with him. I walked closer and he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back because I miss him as well, but it seems like we're so faraway from each other for some reasons.

"Let's go to the company it's safer" He held my hand. "You could've told me to go there" I said. "I just want to walk with you" he said and pulled me closer to him.

We arrived at the building and we went into the practice room. Surprisingly the boys aren't there because they went to grab some food.

"So why did you call me over? Suddenly?" I asked him.

"I just want to see you do I need reasons for that?" He answered while playing with my fingers.

"You're normally busy, either schedule, practice or dinner with your family and Yunsung" I told him. He looked at me and smiled softly.

"Are you jealous?" He asked and I just kept quiet. More than jealous, I'm more upset and lonely. I feel like my love is just being used. I feel too nice, I'm too nice. I took out my phone and played with it and then he took it away from me.

'Our Pace' [StrayKids; Hyunjin]Where stories live. Discover now