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The two women dragged to a room at the back. I tried to shout and run away but I stopped when I saw the person standing in front of me smiling at me.

"You look extra beautiful today" He said and walked closer to me. I tried to look behind me just to realize that the two women went out and it's just us in the room. I looked at him in disbelief and ran straight into his embrace which he opened his arms to me.

I hug him soooo tight and he did the same to me. He patted my head softly and laid his head on mine because I'm shorter than him. He almost broke the hug and I tried to stay a bit more because I miss him so much I really can't control my emotions and I finally break the hug.

"Why didn't you text me back?" I asked him with a pout.

"You look really skinny" Hyunjin said and put a strand of my hair into the back. I tried to say something but got stopped because Hyunjin started to talk again.

"See you later Ji Yoo" He said and left through the other door. The room has two doors for some reasons. I stood there shocked because of how loud the scream is outside of the room. The two women who took me here came back and stood behind me telling me to get ready.

"Please go in when we say START" One of the women said and I just nodded. Since Hyunjin didn't warn me about them I presume he knows them and they didn't hurt me so I trust them.

After for about almost 10 minutes the lady said start and I walked through the door just to be guided by a guard guiding me to a stage, I stood in front of the stairs to the stage hesitated to go up because I'm so shocked and surprised because I'm just questioning why should I go up, what is happening, I'm just trying to process everything.

"Ms. Please go up" I was told by the guard many times. I finally went up to the stage, not as big as stages for concerts but the ones that are suitable for some fan meetings. I went up and cheers just went even louder and claps are heard in the venue. I looked and saw Hyunjin sitting and smiling at me in one of the chairs.

I was told by a person, I presume, a staff. They told me to go sit down and I did as they instructed. I sat down and the moment I became frozen was when I heard Hyunjin mentioning "girlfriend"

"I'd like to introduce to you all, that I'm in a relationship, officially, with the woman sitting next to me. We have also got permission from JYP PD-nim. First off I'd like our fans to be supportive and please love Ji Yoo as much as you love us, I know it might be hard for some of you to accept this sudden news but I really hope you'll believe in me and believe in the relationship I'm in. I want you to trust me in choosing the person I love, I hope you'll still love and support me and StrayKids as how much you used to love us." Hyunjin gave a speech and he kept talking.

I'm just sitting and smiling at the audiences. I'm still trying to process everything like can you imagine something like this happened, when your grandma told you you'll go to some engagement party but it ended up to be an event involved you, as the main character.

I was then told to say something about this relationship.

"Hello guys, hahaha I'm a little bit nervous because I've never talked in such an event like this. I'm sorry if this news shocked fans, I too, am surprised with this. I know trying to accept your idol's relationship takes time if you really love them. But I hope you'll support us, I promise to STAYs who are fans of StrayKids that I will love him just like how you love him. I might not be the perfect girl, I might not be beautiful but I'm serious about this relationship and I really hope you'll respect and love us... thank you..." I said and stood up and bowed.

While I was speaking I saw my family in the crowd, I also saw Hyunjin's parents. His mom smiled widely at me and I did the same too. They now asked us to stand in the middle and it's photos time.

The first post was kind of awkward because I didn't know how to pose I was just standing there with my two hands holding each other. And Hyunjin standing next to me. The second pose is better because I'm standing closer to him with my hands down and Hyunjin putting his arm around my shoulders and standing close to each other. For our last pose we held hands and I tilted my head to his arm while smiling widely. Many fans cheered for us and many cameras are flashing in my eyes. Soon after the whole event has ended.

I got off the stage with Hyunjin, everyone left. We went back into the room and then a loud scream was heard, the boys are in the room and there's my family and Hyunjin's family too. I ran and Hug Jisung because I hella miss my bestfriend, then Haerin hugged me too. I miss them so much. I can't help but tear up.

"don't cry" Seungmin said and hugged me too. They all congratulated me, Hyunjin's mom came up to me and held my hands.

"Thank you for making Hyunjin happy" She said and hugged me. They all had to leave because the elders want to have some time together before we have dinner together later. We took a one group photo before they all left me and Hyunjin alone.

"You got some explanations to do Mr.Hwang, I don't like this surprise" I said and tried to take bag and my things with me.

"Hey, are you mad at me?" He said and pouted then hugged me. "I need to change my clothes I feel uncomfortable in this outfit, I want pants" I said. He held my hand and said "Let's go get you some new outfits" and we left the place.

I am still surprised and shocked but I love that this happened.

Update: 25.01.19; 11:30PM

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