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I just checked and saw 10K???🥺😭 I don't deserve this really. Thank you everyone for your endless support😭

Please check out my other active stories as well and so sorry for the lacks of update, including an epilogue for this story as well. I'm currently having an author's block meanwhile stuck at home all day because of the virusㅠㅠ

I hope everyone takes care and be safe, don't forget to drink water every 10-15minutes and wash your hands with soap for at least20seconds or clean with hand sanitizer, if you go outside stay away from the crowds and bring an alcohol spray with you if possible. 💙

Maybe Alcohol prep pads would help and also wet wipes to clean any areas, and also dry your clothes for at least 2hours, please be safe and stay in as much as possible, thank you everyone, love you🧡

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