Chapter 22.5

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   Waking up as soon as the sun hits my face only made me want to curl back into my blanket even more. But of course, a certain someone's hand decides to wack my face which wakes me up completely. Groaning to get I sit up to see (J/ g/n) snoring her sleep away and see the hand that attacked me. Stretching and hearing a satisfying pop I finally start getting up before the ninja even think about it. 

   The next door is where they were still sleeping and anyone could tell because it seems like there are a whole cattle inside. The sounds of their snores echo throughout the room which only made things even worse for them. Having enough I decided to have some fun for now before they wake up. 

   "It has begun" mumbling out as the weapon with them in my hand. One by one I placed the evidence onto each of the brothers and especially on Lloyd because, why not. Once the game was set I go back into my shared room to wake up my roommate. However, an evil thought plagued my mind as soon as I remember her hand attacking me. "Nah, she doesn't deserve peace." 

   Leaving the two main bedrooms I hang in the small living room until ready for my action movie to play. Right on cue the sound of the hippogriff outside waking up, create a loud shriek that could wake the dead which it did. The first sound to be heard was Jay with his girly scream and after one by one. Once Cole was the last one all six of them left their rooms and moves into the living room and I could see the finished results, my masterpiece.

   "G-Good M-MMOrnInG, GuYs" I said cracking and trying so hard not to fall onto the ground at the sight of it all. Covering their faces was shaving cream that was splat onto each of their hands when they wake up not only that but there were feathers all over their bodies.

   The looks on their faces were priceless as I had to wobble over to pick on a feather of Kai's nose that seems to be bothering him. Looking at him I couldn't help but smirk now seeing a small familiar blush on his face. 

   "You have something there," I said soon snickering. The flustered look on the red ninja's face soon turns into annoyance as I laugh at their misery. "Ah such a wonderful day it is~"

   "Seriously (N/n), not cool," Cole said as if he was my father. Glancing over at them with my back turn I only send them my own toothy smile, something I haven't done in a while. 

  "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Now go wash up while Zane and I fix breakfast" I instruct as the titanium ninja walks over, already fully clean to the outside kitchen. While outside I wait for only a few seconds before calling my familiar too soon running away from the scene. Once a safe distance I wait for the right moment until...

   "(Y/N) GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RIGHT NOW" (J/g/n) shouts running out of the house/hut with a dick drawn onto her face. Soon the remaining brothers come out too with different pieces of art on their face. I had to hold back my laughter in case (J/g/n) heard me, she did. "I CAN HEAR YOU AND I'M COMING FOR YOU RIGHT NOW!! SO YOU FUCK'N BETTER START RUNNING!"

Welp, its time for some exercise.


   Everyone had to be on the lookout for the missing princess who did all that damage to their self-esteem. Each of them split the area to search for her, but the last 15 minutes there is nothing yet. Jay was looking out onto the forest where he was surrounded in but he still couldn't find any sign of the girl. Taking a deep breath as he was about to walk back to the house until he heard the sound of running water nearby. Filled with curiosity he decides to go check it out. 

   Journeying through the fore- scratch that, a fantasy and mysterious forest was harder than in video games he played back on the bounty. Every step he took he was extra careful in case of some random-ass creature decides it's hungry and wants a human. Somehow, Jay finally relieved as he took his last step out of the darkness and into an amazing illuminating light. 

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