Chapter 23

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(I would highlight more of their adventures but, knowing me I'm a lazy person who loves making their reader wait for so long for some good drama. So with the best of my abilities, I will try and make it as short as possible. Please continue on)


   "What's up with the camera Lloyd" Kai ask cautiously as he glances over at the younger boy who was holding a camera. With a smile on his face, he makes his way ahead of the group as they walk.

   "Well, it's weird to go on an adventure and not have any evidence of this place. So I asked a local for film or a camera, and they were nice enough to give this to me for free" Lloyd said with a childish toothy smile on his face. (Y/n) and (j/g/n) look at each other having the same idea 'baby eyes'. Feeling unamused by their responses he continues on the way pouting along the way. "Well, I thought it was a good idea... did you use to do this (Y/n)?"

    "Huh" then suddenly confuse of how she became involved in this topic. Jay glances over at the girl who was focused on the green ninja's proclamation.

    "Didn't you have an album of pictures back in your childhood, with Jay even. You told me, back when you were kids you always had a camera to record that special moment" Lloyd reply with a knowing smirk alongside Cole and Zane. Jay looks away bashfully while (J/g/n) and Kai had a blank expression, but Kai showed more irritation rather than an annoyance.

    Without an explanation, (Y/n) rolls her eyes as she focuses more on the road. Once an a while you would hear the sound of a clicking sound of a camera shutter. Lloyd was having the time of his life that he didn't notice he dragged the rest of his group into his antics.


   "Dude picture! Picture!" Cole whispers as he grabs Lloyd's and the rest of the group's attention. They were going through a random desert without a sip of you see where this will be going in the first place? "Please get this picture before it's too late!"

   "What the hell is that?"

   "I think he lost it..."

   "Well, it's been too late for him anyway..."

   What they sadly were watching a dehydrated Jay being his extra self. Apparently, it got to his head and now he is seeing shit, it's all thanks to that 'amazing' cactus juice. So here they are looking at the crazy Jay. (Reference people)

   "Okay, people...there's nothing to see here so let's get moving" (j/g/n) said trying to hold back the urge to laugh. After the picture perfect moment they all left Jay standing there with (Y/n) to babysit him.

   "Come on Jay we need to catch up with the others" (Y/n) said as she tries to drag the blue ninja to the fading group ahead of them. But before she could do anything a pair of arms wrap themselves around her. Oh, when I see (j/g/n) I'm going to kill her...

   "(Y/n)...(Y/n)" he kept only mumbling out. She looks behind her slightly to see the taller man leaning against her as he kept a tight hold on her as if she was going to disappear. "Please don't leave me...I don't want to be alone..I'll miss you"

   Her cold expression began to melt when she sees how vulnerable he was being with her and only her. Without a word, she turns around to hold his face while looking up at him. The two just stared at each other, even if one of them was intoxicated from a juice. (y/n) didn't have to say a word for her small message to go through to him as he only smiles (a droopy one).

   With limited space, they had Jay just kept on staring and all his instincts told him to do one thing. So without thinking, he starts to lean while (Y/n) was completely freaking out on the inside.

A Bolt of Love | Jay x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now