Chapter 26

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    ---KAI POV---

    Well, this is great, what to do now. Now you might be wondering, what am I talking about. Imagine for yourself, 5 human guys stuck in the woods in an unknown land. Not only that but the one who was helping us was kidnapped by another ugly feline who works for an insect. So yeah be in our position right now. I think Lloyd you willing switch places with you all.

    "That damn cat, wait till I get my damn hands around her neck...I told ya so" I grumble as I create a fire for the five of us. Cole and Zane create protection while Lloyd went to comfort Jay. He's been quiet ever since we got out of that edgy valley. "That stupid cat had been acting weird ever since she had gotten that weird call..."

    "Let me get this knew (j/g/n) had been acting weird after some phonecall. But you thought it wasn't worth mentioning until (y/n) had finally been taken. Not only that but the fact you were acting like a dick to her. Is that it" Cole said once finishing and places a hand at his hip. "Can you explain to me why didn't it go through your mind to not mention this to any of us??"

    "You wouldn't believe me, you would probably say I'm being overdramatic about it. So I stayed quiet until I had evidence. And SECOND, I did tell someone. Jay" I reply looking up at our fearless leader with an obvious expression of, I don't care.

    Before he could even say anything, Jay and Lloyd come to join our base. Neither one of them spoke but Lloyd looks at me in worry then glances at Jay. The expression of his face said it all, he was lost. I honestly felt sorry for the guy; not only was I giving him a hard time, but his psycho ex-girlfriend also took his other ex to god knows where. Yeah, not a good part of his life he is living right now.

    For the next ten minutes, we all stayed quiet as we had nothing else to do. We were clueless as to what to do at all. We were a long way from home and being stranded here wasn't a great idea. As we all were falling into despair, Jay stands up and there was a gleam in his eyes.

    "Guys lets just cut the BS right now. We can't feel sorry for ourselves, we need a plan. We need to get back home, save (y/n) from Desdemona and (j/g/n)" Jay explains as he looks at each of us. His gazes stay longer on me then into the fire. Whatever happened to the wimp Jay we all know?

    "Are you okay Jay...? Did you drink cactus juice again" Lloyd asks. Jay looks offended before calming down and shakes his head.

    "I'm perfectly fine, better even. And to be honest, Kai probably is the one on cactus juice since he is the one explaining as he is talking to the fourth wall" Jay replies pointing at me. Hm, maybe. I mean I do feel a bit dizzy and I did drink something random after we got back out of the rocky valley. "But no, I'm serious guys. We need to do something, this whole kingdom needs (y/n) back to normal. The only ones who can do that are us, so, please. Help me..."

---JAY POV---

    Somehow after that, we made our way back into the kingdom. Well not fully since once we go there it was in ruins. The kingdom was taken over in just a few days and it could only get worst. Well shut, we need to get inside and find (y/n) to stop this whole chaos. As we scout the field, it was a place heavily guarded by thugs from all parts of the kingdom.

    "Dude it really heavily guarded and honestly they've taken control of the whole castle itself. Not only that but they even destroyed the royal guards. Also, the injured are still inside and who knows what those horrible creatures could be doing" Zane explains as he gives us a full report into the battleground.

    So we really were stumped; the entrance and even the sky was under her control. I could even bet the fjord was also taken over. As the five of us were in hiding we were forced to watch the civilians of the kingdom were being mistreated. On the outside, it was a riot, however, through the chaos one caught my eye.

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