Fatal Fall 29

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Lorna walked down the hall of the manor restlessly although knowing she shouldn't be walking. She placed her hand on her big stomach as she leaned against the wall panting tiredly. Malakai ran down the hall with his arms out to her. "Mama mama!" She smiled down to him and pat him on the head as she bent down a bit. "Hello there Malakai. I'm sorry mama can't pick you up sweety." A sudden pain hit her and she fell to her knees with a cry. Malakai cried for her and Joker, Myron, and Doll ran down the hall at the sound of the cry. Myron ran to her side and Joker scooped Malakai up into his arms. Myron tried to get her to stand up so he could get her to her room but she couldn't stand. "Come on Lorna. You have to try to stand up." She shook her head and gripped his arm tightly holding her stomach. "I. I can't Myron." He did his best to pick her up and carried her to her room. Doll ran down the hall to Ciel's office and threw the door open finding Ciel, Snake, and Sebastian all in the room. Ciel looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What is it Doll?" She panted with a panicked expression. "It's Mother Lorna. Somethin's heppin'ed to 'er." Ciel jumped out of his chair and everyone ran to her room. Sebastian threw the door open as soon as they reached the room and ran to her side. She was shaking in pain and looked up at Sebastian reaching a hand up to him which he quickly took. "Is the baby coming?" She shook her head. "I don't know. I don't think this is contractions." He frowned and looked over to everyone else. "I need all of you to leave." Ciel nodded and ushered everyone out closing the door behind them as he was the last one out. Sebastian sat on the bed beside her and ran his fingers through her hair. "Where does it hurt?" She moved his hand over her stomach and he frowned. "The baby is restless. Did you take something?" She shook her head. "No, did you make the soup earlier?" He scowled and looked at the bowl next to her bed. "I haven't made anything except for some sweets for your brother." He grabbed the bowl and sniffed it. His scowl turned into a dark look as he carefully placed the bowl down. "Stay here. I'll be back. I'm going to keep Myron and Snake in here to keep you guard until I get back." She nodded and cringed in pain. He frowned at her and leaned down giving her temple a kiss before getting off the bed and leaving the room. He gently shut the door and everyone was waiting in the hall. He looked around the group. "Myron. Snake. You two will stay guard with her in there until I get back. I'm sorry young master but I must go retrieve the undertaker." Ciel scowled. "What's going on?" Sebastian sighed. "It seems Lorna has been poisoned." Everyone's eyes widened and Ciel nodded. "Be quick Sebastian." Sebastian nodded quickly leaving. Myron and Snake walked into the room and Myron ran to her side seeing her curled in pain. "It'll be alright Lorna. Sebastian went to get help."

It wasn't too much longer before Sebastian came back with the Undertaker. Both men ran to Lorna's room throwing the door open and ran to her bed throwing the door closed behind them. Myron moved away from Lorna for the Undertaker and she looked up at him with beads of sweat running down her forehead. He gave her a look of concern and ran the back of his fingers down the side of her face. "Let me see the bowl." Sebastian handed the bowl to the Undertaker and Adrian sniffed it once before scowling and handed it back to Sebastian. "There's not enough time to give her a cure. I'm sorry Lorna. I'm going to have to remove the child from you to save you and your child." She nodded and Myron and Sebastian looked at him in disbelief. "What?! You can't just enforce her into a forced labor or something?! Tell me we have enough time to at least knock her out!" Adrian shook his head standing up as Myron fumed with anger. "No. The child will die if we wait much longer. There isn't enough time to put her to sleep. Sebastian. Hand me a knife. Myron go get me some towels and quickly." Myron ran out of the room and Doll and Joker walked into the room. "Is there anythin we can do?" Adrian looked at them. "Go get me some water." They nodded leaving the room. Sebastian brought over a knife and Adrian gave Lorna an apologetic look. "I'm sorry Lorna." She shook her head placing her hand on his. "Please. Just be quick." He nodded and lifted her dress over her knees. Sebastian helped undertaker remove her dress and corset moving a blanket over her chest. Myron threw the door open running in with a bunch of towels in his arms and Adrian took them placing them on the bed. Adrian placed the knife at her skin before looking her in the eyes. "I'm going to do this as quickly as I can." She nodded and Sebastian grabbed her hand to comfort her. Adrian cut into her skin gently though careful not to hit the child. Her cries of pain echoed throughout the manor and everyone in the hall cringed at the sound. Doll frowned looking at Ciel. "Do you think she'll be alrigh?" Ciel nodded. "I'm sure." Doll nodded and they waited for the cries to stop before they calmed.

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