New Beginnings 47

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Lorna stood beside Sebastian outside the manner. Sebastian gave her a side glance with a scowl. "I do wish you would stay inside." She closed her eyes for a moment. "No. He began as my problem, so I shall end it as so." Sebastian sighed bowing his head.

Three demons walked out of the forest line with scowls. "Just hand the woman over and this will be done and over with." Lorna got into a fighting stance. "I'm not going anywhere." The tallest one huffed. "A bitch just as he described." Sebastian's eyes went vibrant and he disappeared. The other two demons were left to deal with Sebastian while the leader ran at Lorna. She blocked swings and stabs. She pulled her knife out off her thigh from under her dress as she swung her leg for a kick following with a swing of her knife as her foot had missed. The demon hissed in pain as it was sliced across the arm by her blade. She pulled her arm back for another blow. "Lorna!" She was stopped mid swing as a hand was thrust through her abdomen from behind. Her eyes widened in the process and she stumbled forward dropping her knife. Sebastian was quick to kill off the demon he was fighting as it was now distracted. Her eyes clouded over as the demon pulled his hand out of her abdomen pulling her soul with it. The leader glared at the other demon. "You idiot! We weren't supposed to kill her! The other looked down at her. "She isn't dead." The leader growled at the second grabbing his arm. "Forget it! Let's go! We've failed the mission!" The leader took off but the second took a lick at the soul with a smirk. He went to take a bite of the soul but was quickly stabbed in the chest just as his fangs pierced the soul.

Sebastian bent down taking the soul from the dead demon before walking over to Lorna and kneeling down next to her lifting her up a bit with her back against his arm. He placed the soul at her wound and let it sink back into her. A ear piercing roar sounded through the area and Sebastian knew that Valcery had slaughtered many more demons than what they had just dealt with. He picked Lorna up into his arms and ran into the manner shutting the door behind him. He ran up to their room laying her in the bed leaving the door open already knowing Malakai would run in at some point.

Sebastian looked down at Lorna as he sat on the edge of the bed. He frowned as she began coming to. He ran his hand down the side of her face gently. "Lorna?" She gave him an almost blank look. He scowled down at her moving onto one knee on the bed moving a bit over her placing her face in his hands. "Lorna? Look into my eyes." She looked up at him and his eyes widened as he couldn't sense the connection between them. He let her go sitting back not believing what just happened. Malakai and Mariam ran into the door with concern. "Mama!" Sebastian looked over at the two. "Not now Malakai. Your mother isn't doing well." Mariam looked at her older brother with concern as he walked into the room walking to the bed. Sebastian looked down at him with a scowl. "What is it?" Malakai returned the scowl. "Adrian." Sebastian instantly frowned looking at Lorna. "I suppose I should get him shouldn't I?" Sebastian sighed softly closing his eyes for a moment before looking down at his son. "Get your uncle for me." Mariam was quick to run off.

Ciel entered the doorway with Mariam behind him. Sebastian frowned at Ciel standing up. "Forgive me my lord for not going to you myself." Ciel walked into the room with a scowl. "Never mind that. What's wrong with my sister?" Sebastian watched Ciel stepping away from the bed. "We were under attack and one of our attackers managed to obtain her soul. I'm afraid they might have damaged it." Ciel climbed up onto the bed sitting next to his sister. "Help her sit up for me and get the undertaker. Maybe he can help her." Sebastian bowed to Ciel with a hand over his heart. "Yes young master." Sebastian walked over and helped the limp Lorna sit up against the head board with her blank and empty expression. She looked down at Ciel as if searching for some hidden recognition. Ciel looked at her sadly while Sebastian disappeared. He gently grabbed her hand looking at it. "I don't usually do sentimentalities. But, you are my sister." He felt her fingers twitch and looked up at her. He frowned seeing a small bit of sadness in her eyes.

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