A Mission That Shouldn't Be Taken 37

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Myron walked out the door behind Lorna. "I don't know where you're going, but be careful." Lorna smiled softly looking down at the ground. "I will. Take good care of my brother and our children." "I will." Lorna looked on ahead as they walked. The two walked for only a couple hours before they found the place. It looked like a local pub but they knew what was hidden below. Lorna walked in first and Myron walked in stopping beside her. Both men and women dressed in skimpy clothing walked around serving people. A lady walked up to them. "Are you two together?" The two shook their heads and Lorna answered. "No." The lady nodded and offered for Lorna to follow her. Lorna nodded following the woman to a table in the back.

Lorna sat with a drink for a bit before a man came over and sat with her. "I hope this seat isn't taken?" She gave him a false smile. "No not at all." He chuckled and sat down with her. "I'm Nio. I run the place." She looked around. "It is a very interesting place you have here Nio." He nodded. "It is indeed. Say, you seem like a fine lady. Would you like to work here?" She looked at him curiously. "You want me to work here?" He laughed leaning back in his chair. "Sure why not? You seem to fit the part. You seem like you could pull off a good actress." Lorna nodded. "Alright. I'll see what I can do." He nodded and got up. "Come with me." She got up and followed him into the back of the pub. She looked around and it seemed pretty natural. "My office is right there. I have to go talk to the head waitress I'll be right with you." She nodded and took a few steps forward before she was hit in the back of the neck and knocked out.

Lorna woke up chained to a wall on her knees and her arms held up above her. She looked around the dimly lit room confused. "Where am I?" Nio chuckled walking up to the bars of the cell. "This is where you will stay my dear. Don't worry. As long as you're good you won't be punished. You will be fed and bathed everyday so you will be presentable to customers. I don't care what the customers want you will give it to them. It isn't often we get pretty women like you. Listen, there will be men that will get a bit handsy. Don't mind them. All you should care about is the money. Oh, also. Since you're new. I'm going to put a no back room policy on you yet. Women who have been here for at least a few days will be able to go back with the customers. It's to get accustomed to the work." Lorna scowled at him. "What is the back room?" He folded his arms across his chest. "I'm sure you can guess." She frowned looking down at the floor. He nodded. "After a few days you will be able to have requests placed on you to go back there. Each waitress and Waiter has a box for requests. All of you will be checking the box pulling out names every two to three hours. To give you time to recuperate and continue your duties. Not all of you will go back there at the same time, that is. Unless it is requested by a customer to have more than one worker at once. Do you think you can do this?" She nodded. "Sounds easy enough." He nodded and looked over to the doorway. "Vanessa. Come release her. Show her to her room. She can stay with the other new comer." Vanessa nodded and curtsied to him. "Yes sir." Lorna followed the woman down the hall to some stairs. "So, Vanessa was it? These shared rooms. Do they have separate beds?" Vanessa bowed her head. "No. We share beds. But the rooms are nice." Lorna hummed in thought and the two stopped in front of a door. "This is your room. I'll see you later." Lorna nodded entering the room. Her eyes widened seeing Myron. "Myron? You got a position here?" He nodded sitting on the bed. "Yeah, I'm a bar tender. They told me I won't be doing your kind of work though. Since I'm supposed to be a bouncer and all." She nodded frowning. "Well, lucky you I suppose." He sighed. "Yeah. I hope you get this finished within a few days." She nodded. "Me too." He got off the bed grabbing one of the blankets. "I'll take the floor." She gave him a look of worry. "No it's fine Myron. You can stay in the bed with me." He rose a brow at her. "Are you sure?" She nodded and he sighed making the bed. There was a knock on the door and Lorna walked over opening it. A muscled man held out two suite cases to her. "Here, for you and him. Master Nio has given you stage names as well. You will be Raven, and he will be Hawk." She nodded taking the cases. "Thank you." He nodded. "You two will be on the floor in five minutes. Master Nio expects you dressed and ready by then." Lorna nodded. "We will be there." He left and she shut the door tossing Myron his case. She looked around for the bathroom and didn't find one. "Where are we supposed to bathe?" Myron stood up and sighed. "I made sure to ask that. Unfortunately, the bathrooms are down the hall. However, they are only stalls. There are separate showers for both men and women even further down the hall. Evidently at the end of the night we all get to shower after the place is closed down and cleaned up." She nodded. "Alright. Thanks Myron." He nodded and turned away from her. "I won't watch you change." She gave him a soft smile and opened up her case. Her eyes widened at the clothes that were placed in the case. She picked up the corset that had matching underwear and a short skirt that only went down to mid thigh. "What the hell?! I'm supposed to wear this?!" Myron sighed and shook his head. Lorna changed her clothes and glanced over at Myron. "Are you done?" He nodded. "Yeah, are you?" She sighed. "Yeah." He turned towards her and began choking on air. "Dam, Sebastian would have a cow if he saw you prancing around in that." She sighed wrapping an arm around herself grabbing her other arm. "I know." Myron shook his head. "Never mind that. Let's go."

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