Children 41

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Lorna stood in the kitchen baking for Adrian. She smiled softly looking over at the egg she had rested on a towel she had set up well enough it would hold the egg. She placed her hand on her two month big stomach and sighed. Sebastian had given her hell for a while and the two had gotten in many fights. She leaned onto the counter on her elbows resting her chin in her hands smiling at the egg. "I wonder how much longer you have? Malakai's birthday is in two weeks. He'll be three, and then soon after that. Mariam will be one." She giggled softly. "My children are growing so fast. Even Joker, Doll, and Snake." She sighed standing up as she felt a presence enter the kitchen. "Hello Sebastian. What can I do for you?" She folded her arms across her chest. He walked over to her scowling. "I am growing thin with my patients with you Lorna. This thing is growing too fast." He placed a finger on her stomach and she glared at him. "I told you didn't I? It was by your hand. That is the only way you are getting rid of it. When are you going to get it through your thick skull that I have decided that is the only way it will go?" He growled low in his throat and bowed his head. She could feel he had reached the edge of his patients with her. "Forgive me Lorna." He ran his hand through her abdomen and she closed her eyes in pain grabbing his shoulders tightly. They sank down to their knees as he kept his hand in her. He quickly pulled his hand out of her and burned the fetus to ash. Tears ran down her face as she bowed her head refusing to look him in the eyes. He pulled her against him resting his non bloody hand on the back of her head. "I'm sorry Lorna. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't let that thing live in our manor." She didn't answer him as she fought back sobs. Myron walked into the kitchen looking for Lorna and his eyes widened at the sight before him. He became enraged and ran at Sebastian. The two wrestled in the kitchen throwing punches at each other. "I knew I should have kept an eye on her till she was due! You bloody bastard!" Sebastian swung a punch at Myron who dodged it. "What does it matter to you? She doesn't belong to you anymore. She's mated to me. She belongs to me. You two were never meant to have anything. That offspring was a mistake." This angered Myron more. Lorna sat on the floor in pain and very upset while not knowing what to do about the fight taking place in front of her. She never thought Sebastian would hate somet so much he would hurt her for it. She was sure because she was it's mother and it was in her body it was safe. She never imagined he would go to such lengths. The kitchen door flew open as Ciel heard the ruckus and unable to call for Sebastian. Ciel looked at the scene before him in disbelief before turning out the doorway and called for Joker and Doll. Ciel knew he wasn't going to be able to break up the fight on his own. Not with three demons involved.

Joker and Doll quickly showed up and their eyes widened watching the two demons tear at each other. Ciel looked at Doll first. "Doll. I need you to go get the Undertaker, and quickly." She nodded running out of the manor. Ciel looked up at Joker. "Joker. Go get Lorna out of their." He frowned at Ciel. "I don't think I can. Not with those two fighting." Ciel sighed and so they waited for Doll to get back with the Undertaker.

It didn't take Doll too long to do as she was told. Undertaker ran into the room to break up the fight first. He quickly grabbed each one by the back of their shirts throwing them away from each other. Both already a bloody mess crashed into the counter and a wall. Undertaker turned to Lorna rushing to her side. "Lorna. Are you alright?" His eyes widened seeing all of the blood. He instantly became filled with anger but kept it on a down low as he had just broken up a fight. He picked her up into his arms and carried her out of the room. Ciel, Joker, and Doll followed him out and down to her room. Once in her room he laid her in her bed gently. "Lorna, what happened?" She quickly grabbed his hand. "Adrian. The egg." He scowled at her in confusion. "What?" Doll instantly understood what she was saying and ran out of the room. He held her hand tightly. "Doll went to get it for you." She nodded closing her eyes painfully and laid back on her bed. "Lorna. What. Happened." She frowned looking at the ceiling. "Sebastian he." Tears began welling in her eyes and he lifted her up a bit into his arms as he knelt next to the bed holding her against his chest trying to comfort her. " I can't believe he did it." Adrian frowned at her and pet her hair soothingly. "Did what Lorna?" She grabbed his coat tightly. "He killed my child!" He sighed lowering his head. "I'm sorry Lorna." She clung to his coat as she cried in his chest. Undertaker looked over at the others seriously. "Will you give us a minute?" Ciel nodded and ushered the other two out shutting the door behind him. Undertaker moved back looking down at her. "Lorna. I understand you're upset, and I know what Sebastian has done was wrong. However, that doesn't mean he did it out of spite. You're mated with a demon. This all began with another demon. You can't expect Sebastian to just sit by and let you run around with another demon's child. It just isn't the way a demon works. Demon's are territorial creatures." She frowned looking away. "I. I suppose they are." He nodded and looked down at her wound. "Let me fix this up." She nodded and he gently laid her back.

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