[ Chapter 34 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov. 

I really want to get out of here, just why isn't he letting me out. It's not like I'm his crush from an old school.

Now that i thought about it.

It's like in the middle if the night and I can't sleep, wait. Maybe this is an opportunity for me to escape. But i won't be far enough cause with a sprain ankle, he can catch up to me fast.

I'll get some water i guess. I got up and exit the room. I slowly close the door and limp my way to the kitchen. I grab a cup and fill it with water, i took a sip i turn to look at the door.

Should i do it?

I walk to the door and grab the door knob. I slowly twist it and there was a click sound, i slowly open the door and a hand appears shutting the door. It startled me and i look up to see Ein.

" what to do you think your doing? " he asked.

I can't, i can't stay.

" i just wanted to leave!, my family and friends are in danger!, their life is at sake!, what's the point of keeping me here anyways?!, tell me a reason why?!, why me?!, what's so special about me that you have to keep me here?!, what have i done to deserve this?!, what is it up with people doing this kinda stuff to me?!, can't i just live a normal life?!, why are you even doing this to me?! " i shouted, tears stream down the face.

I see him ready to slap me but i cut him off.

" go ahead!, hit me!, beat me!, i don't care!, I'm going to end up leaving this place anyways!, i just wanted to see my mother for irene sake after 7 years of not seeing her!, and after my dad's death she's the only one i have!, your just keeping me here so they'll die on their own!, you wanted me to stay because your scared to be alone aren't you?!, you don't even care about anyone!, that's why you killed Tatiana didn't you?! " i shout.

He grabs my wrist tightly and i wince, he drags me into my room and threw me on the bed. He slams the door shut and i heard a click.

He locked the door.

I ran to the door and shake the door knob and banging on the door.

" opem the door!, you can't keep me in here forever!, open up! " i scream as i rattle the door knob for him to open.

Tears stream down my cheeks and i was getting weaker on banging the door so i just slide down against it.

" . . .open the door. . . " i cried out softly and curled up into a ball.

I heard his footsteps fade.

" i hate you Ein " i said, loud enough for him to hear me from the other side.

I wipe my tears and stood up. I lie down on the bed and pull the covers covering my body. I cried onto the pillow and slowly doze off.

~ Time Skip ~

Ein's pov. 

I woke up and took a shower. After i changed, i made breakfast and i took a deep breath before i unlock the door to Y/n's room.

I really regret after what i did last night.

I enter, shutting the door again and see her lying down on the bed, still with my jacket on. She was awake cause her eyes shot open looking at me, a tear escape her eye and she turn the other way, her back facing me.

I sighed.

I walk up to her and place the plate on the bedside table. I sit beside her and she ignored.

" look, I'm sorry about last night okay " i said, she stayed silent.

" come on, eat your breakfast " i pull her up to sit.

She sits up and slap my hands away as she adjust herself to sit up. The blanket still covering half of her body. She was hugging her legs up to her chest, looking away with no expression on her face.

I grab the plate and scoop one spoon of rice for her. I put it up to her mouth and she kept her lips sealed moving her head away from the spoon.

I place the plate down and grip under her chin gently turning her back to face me and brought the spoon near her mouth.

" at least eat something " i said.

" i rather die– " i cut her off by shoving the spoon in her mouth and she groan, she slowly munch her food then swallowed it.

I took another spoon and she scoff and bite the spoon roughly. I feed her until she's done but in the end she eats calmly. I gave her a cup of water and she finished it giving it back to me.

I ruffled her hair, she whines and exit the room, locking it again.

She doesn't remember me i guess. But I'll make her remember me. I must let her remember me. I can't believe they made her forget me.

Doesn't me I'm a psycho they have to remove her memories to forget me. I can't loose her, i have to make her remember again. No one is stopping me. No matter how dangerous it is.

She's mine.

~ Time Skip ~

I came in to Y/n's room for her dinner. I cook her some F/d, i know what she likes to eat, and other stuff she does but that doesn't mean I'm a stalker!

I enter her room and she's sitting on the bed on the same position as this morning, i sighed and fed her. She's still mad about me. She did try a few attempts to stab me with a fork this afternoon for her lunch.

But i kinda got carried away and slapped her. She still has the red mark on her cheek. I regret that. For everything I've done to her.

Except for the kiss ehehehehehehe.

Once she's finish i clean up and locked the door. I went to bed and doze off.




~ Mariko

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