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Amy's Pov

"Please be safe out there, I hate that you have to work late." My dad said as I gathered a few items for my purse.

"I will be careful, it's extra money."

"I know but the news is reporting more and more on the mobsters."

"Dad, we live in a time where they are all around us. Just smile and don't make eye contact with them and you will be fine. I have been dealing with this for how many years now?"

"I just don't want to lose you."

"I know dad, but I got to go! These tables are not going to wait for themselves!" I gave him a kiss goodbye then headed to work.

"There you are!" Bree said as I rushed in.

"Sorry, I am late. My dad was telling me about the danger of walking home at night."

"It's cool I covered for you, just put your stuff away so it's not blown."

"Thank you, I owe you!"

I ran into the back putting my purse and jacket away. When I got to the main dining area I saw my boss talking to a table. I walked over to a table and started talking with them.

"Amy, there you are." My boss said as I was walking away from the table.

"Hello Tiffany, how are you?"

"I am okay, Bree told me that you feel sick. Are you okay?"

"Oh is that what she told you, I am so sorry. Yes, I am fine."

"Good, we have a busy shift. I need you at top health." She walked away from me.

As I was finishing up my last table I noticed two guys watching me through the window.

"We are closed," I said to them.

They nodded their heads then ran away.

"People can't read," Bree said walking past me.

"Nope, and it will be our fault for not serving them."

"Amy, you have been here since lunch. Please go home and get some sleep. stay home tomorrow so you are not burned out." Tiffany said.

"You have been here longer."

"Yeah, but that is my job to be. Plus I am off tomorrow, Go."

"Thank you."

I cleaned up then headed out, I held the knife my dad bought me in my right hand as I texted my parents to let them know I am on my way home.

"Hey, Bree." I picked up the call.

"Hey I am home, if I knew she was sending us both I would have had my mom take you home."

"Awe thanks, but I am almost home but please stay on the phone with me. I am either so tired that I think it is the same car, or the same car has been following me for a few blocks."

"Do you have your knife?"

"Duh. If dad saw me without it he would freak."

"True, okay I am on the phone with you until you get home."

"Thanks, just a few more blocks."

"Try to get a plate number and a car color."

"I will, so far they haven't shown."

"Good, oh I put your tips from the last table in my locker."

"Thank you! she kicked me out real fast."

"Yeah, I think she wanted that table's tips. I got you though."

"Thank you so much, oh here is the car again. Okay so it's a black car, plate number is qwp-00707."

"Almost 007."

"They slowed down, saw I am on the phone then sped off."

"How much more until you are home?"

"A block in a half."

"Rush home."

"I am."

I started to run, once I came to the gate I pushed it open and darted into the house.

"Okay, I am in. Thank you so much."

"All that matters is your safety. Get some sleep."

"You too."

I ended the call then snuck into my room so I didn't wake my parents.

The next day.

"Hey what time did you get in?" My mom asked as I walked down the steps.

"Earlier then I thought."

"We didn't hear you come in."

"I snuck in, I have today off since I did the double last night."

"Awe that's good, you can help me with some yard work."

"Sure, but I wanna eat first."

I made breakfast for the family then got changed when I went into the shed to get the yard mower there was a weird noise in the bush. I looked in the bush to find a cat.

"Hi, little cat." I picked the cat up and petted it. "Mom look, its a cat!"

"Where did you find it?" Mom asked walking towards me.

"In the bush, can we keep him?"

"Ah honey, Normally I would say yes but you know we can't have pets here."

"It's just a cat, he is so small!"


"Fine." I took him and put him on the porch. "But we need to find him a home."

"We can, just not our home."

I placed him on the pillow and he laid down.

"Look how cute!"

"Come one we have a bunch of stuff to do."

"Coming mom!" I headed over to her.

"Hey who are you?" My dad asked as two men entered our yard, they pointed guns at me.

"We only want the girl."

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