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Amy's Pov

"Thank you for inviting me over, I am having so much fun!" I said taking a sip from my coffee.

"I'm so glad you came over, it's nice to talk to a girl instead of dealing with all of Taylor's shit."

"Taylor tells you what he is doing? Mark keeps everything from me."

"It's best that way, Taylor doesn't tell me everything, not anymore anyway."

"Okay, I am going to cut the bull shit." I put the mug on the table. "Taylor isn't here, Mark said he is not going to kill anyone when I'm there. That's what they are doing now. Killing Pasty."

"Not just Pasty. Mark found the people who hurt me. That's why you are not to know anything. They kidnapped me by beating the hell out of me. When I came too I was locked and chained to the wall. They tried to get me to talk. I knew everything about what Taylor has done, who he hurt, who he bought from and sold from. His future plans, and everyone on his team. They wanted me to talk but I am loyal. I don't give up information. They did a number on me, I had broken bones, blood was coming out of places I didn't even know could bleed. Then they took me to the chair, they put a cloth over my face and poured water on top of the cloth. I almost died if it wasn't for Taylor finding me just in time. He shot who he could but when he saw I wasn't breathing, he rushed to me bring me back to life. Somehow Mark found them in fear they will find you."

"Why is he such a sweetheart to me but he is literally killing people as we speak? And why am I okay with that?"

She let out a chuckle then said, "that is how Taylor is with me, he takes care of me but has no problem breaking a few bones of others. That's why he and Mark are such good friends. You are okay with it because he is protecting you. You know he is never ever going to hurt you."

"Should I feel bad that he is killing people?"

"The people Mark hurts and or kills are bad people. He doesn't do it for fun, these people will hurt others, they might even try to hurt you."

"Will they still be there when I go back tomorrow?"

"No, he will make sure the place is cleaned from top to bottom and the bodies will be disposed of."

"Were you scared?"

"Hell yeah, I thought I was gonna die, I remember getting weak and losing all my abilities. Then I heard his voice. He was panicking when he saw where I was, he tried to grab me but I was tied down, he turned the water off ripping the cloth off of me giving me CPR. I remember coughing up the water, I tried to move my arms but I was still tied down. He untied me letting me hold him. That's all I wanted was to hold him." She started to cry.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She wiped the tears, "I'm just remembering that feeling of being safe in his arms."

"Am I crazy for falling in love with Mark?"

"No, you would be crazy for not. He cares so much for you."

"Ashley! Amy!" Taylor called from downstairs.

"Up here!" Ashley said.

We heard him walk up the steps, he came into the room.

"How is the sleepover going?" He asked sitting next to Ashley.

"Great! We are talking about all the girly stuff you don't like talking about." Ashley said.

"Better you than me, dinner will be ready soon." He kissed Ashley then left the room.

"That was odd," I said.

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