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Amy's POV

"The boss will love you!" This creepy guy said as him and his friend dragged me into a weird looking building.

"Please don't hurt me."

"That is not for us to decided sugar lips." The other slim ball said as they both laughed.

They took me into a long hallway that is filled with smoke.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"You will soon find out."

The one on the left pushed the door open and the threw me to the ground.

"Boss we got a good one for you, she didn't put up too much of a fight."

I looked up and saw a group of men playing cards.

"What did I tell you guys about interrupting my weekly card game?" A man who I am guessing is the boss said as he placed his cards on the table.

"But boss, look at her."

He sighed then looked down at me.

"Please don't hurt me." I tried to look tough, but I am too scared.

His brown eyes widen then he fell to the ground next to me, "What did they do to you? Look at your arms, are these grip marks from them?" He seemed like he cared.

I nodded my head yes.

"You IDIOTS! Why did you hurt her? I am so sorry, please let's get you cleaned up."

"But boss?"

"No, You guys really think that this is what I wanted? I know I can be an asshole, but I am no monster. The game will continue next week. Come on let's get you cleaned up."

He helped me up then took me to a new room down the hall.

"Are you?"

"Yes, I am. But I promise I only hurt guys and they have to double cross me for me to do it."

"What is this place?"

"This is the main hub for my operation."

"Are you going to kill me now that I know?"

"No, only asshole mobsters do that." He chuckled.

"But you just said that you can be one."

"That I did. You're quick I like that, but no I promise you are safe. I will take care of dumb and dumber later for what they did to you."

He opened a door and lead me in, It looked like a study "There is a washroom on the right I will get you new clothes. Where did they take you from?"

"My front yard."

"Oh shit, we need to call your parents to let them know you are okay."

He handed me his phone.

"Why are you so nice?"

"Not all of those stories are true that you heard about me. Like I said you have to double-cross me and be a male."

I took his phone and called my mom.

"Who is this?" My dad picked up,

"Hi, daddy."

"AMY! Where are you?"

"I'm safe, a little banged up but safe."

"Who took you?"

"You are going to freak out but please I promise I am okay. The henchman of Mark took me but once Mark saw me he yelled at the guys and is taking care of me."

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