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Mark's POV

"Please, stop."

Huh? I looked around the room but it there was just me and a sleeping Amy.

"Get off!"

I looked around again but no one is there. I pulled the blanket off of her face.

"I don't want it."

"Princess." I pulled her close to me. That wack job is giving her nightmares. "Princess, please wake up. Everything is okay."

I pushed some hair away from her face then kissed her cheek. She made a weird noise then slowly opened her eyes.

"It was a bad dream," I said still playing with her hair.

"I was reliving it." She snuggled into my chest.

"Be careful baby, I don't want you to get scratched from my brace, and he is someplace where can't touch you."

"Another nickname?" She looked up at me and smiled.

"I can think of a million names to call you."

"Do you have him tied up?" Her eyes were so pure.

"Yes." I can't lie to her.

"With a heavy thick rope?"

"I don't use rope, it can be cut."

"then what do you use?"

"For him, let us just say he has to be magical to get out."

"Will, I ever get to see this torture room?"

"Fuck no. That room is a billion times off limits to you, I don't even what you to know what door it is."

"When are you taking care of him?"

"When I start to feel better, I don't want to upset my Princess."

"Thank you."

"What do we have planned for today?"

"Well, since it is the middle of the night we are going to go back to bed when it is time to wake up I have to go back to work."

She snuggled even farther into my side and went back to sleep, He is going to pay big time for giving her nightmares.

"Rise and shine," Carl said walking into the room.

"Hello," I said to him, I looked over at Amy and she was hiding under the blanket. "You can stay here and sleep."

"5 more minutes."

"Take as long as you want." I pulled the blanket down from her face, so I can kiss her cheek then got out of bed.

"Sir, you have a few meetings today."

"Thank you, Carl."

He nodded his head then left the room, I took my black and white suit into the bathroom and changed, when I was done I walked back into the bedroom, Amy was sitting up clutching onto the blanket.

"What's wrong?" I walked over to her.

"I am going crazy."

"Why do you feel that?"

"I can hear his voice." She was trying not to cry.

I wrapped my arms around her, "He is not touching you ever again, I am so sorry that he got you the first time."

"It's not your fault he thinks with the wrong head, how long are your meetings?"

"All day, they are to go over what I missed and our next moves."

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