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"Huh?" I jumped up from the bed.

"As much fun as it is to watch you sleep, you need to get up."

"You watched me sleep?"

"Only for a few moments, you look so peaceful, like no one is mad at you for not turning me in."

"Thanks for the reminder, so, are we leaving now?"

"No, you need to eat then we will head out. Right now Tony is making sure no one knows I will be leaving."

"Did you get that thing cleaned from the bathroom?"

"Not yet."

"What is it?"

"Remember how I told you about what I do?"


"Well, one of the things I control is the selling of human organs."

"So, you sell stuff off of the black market?"

"I can, yes."


A small smile formed on his face, "I'll make sure they stay away from you."

"Thank you, why is there a human organ on the bathroom floor?"

"There was supposed to be something in there for me to sell but they lied to me."


"I don't do them but I will transport them, easy money."

"So since they tricked you what will happen?"

"I already have my team out finding them, we will see them on the news tonight, but are you ready for today?"

"Yeah, let me get changed and we can leave."

"We are not leaving until you eat, how do you like French toast?"

"Love it."

"Perfect, I'll meet you in the kitchen when you are ready." He got up then left the room.

I looked at my phone but no answer from Bree, that's not like her.

"Hey Mark, I have a silly question," I asked walking into the kitchen with my bag.

"Ask away." He was plating some bacon.

"Bree hasn't responded back to me, is there anyway later today I can sneak out and go see her?"

"You are not a prisoner here, if you wish to head out you can, you just need to let me know so I can have someone go with you. A few buyers have seen you and I don't want them to get any ideas. They will stay back so you don't feel like you are being followed."

"Thank you, I just want to make sure she is okay."

"You care about her, nothing is wrong with that. But you do need to eat." He handed me a plate full of bacon and French toast.

"That's a lot of food."

"We will not get to eat lunch today."


He sat down next to me and we both ate.

"So how long have you known Bree?"

"My whole life, we grew up together."

"So you trust her?"

"With my life."

"Do you think her and Matt will last?"

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